My account got bann
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:01 pm
I have a level 150 rogue, and a level 105 ranger on rosemerta that are on the same account. I worked my *** off to level, I have also helped plenty of people out on rosemertA. I go to log in today says my account has been ban because I was selling items for real life money. I will admit that at one time I was thinking about doing this, but I did not end up doing it and I haven't sold anything for real life money, I have about 15m on this account and I'm a very active player outside of my work, I would apperishate if staff would review my account being bann and take a second look at all the decision. I would greatly apperishate my account back seeing that I have not done the crime it has been ban for also that I have spend various years and spent 100s of dollars on. I am deeply sorry for considering even selling my items, but I have not done so. Thankyou for your time, have a great day