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dog taming, rabbit taming

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:37 am
by pycKPblM

Re: dog taming, rabbit taming

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:33 pm
by Muldar
Hey pycKPblM,

You will need to talk to Druid Robena in Farcrag Castle to receive the Pet Ability quest.

Hope that helps.


Эй pycKPblM,

Вам нужно будет поговорить с Друидического Robena в замке Farcrag получить способность квест Pet.

Надеюсь, это поможет.

Ey pycKPblM,

Vam nuzhno budet pogovorit' s Druidicheskogo Robena v zamke Farcrag poluchit' sposobnost' kvest Pet.

Nadeyus', eto pomozhet.

Re: dog taming, rabbit taming

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:37 pm
by pycKPblM
I have already taken quest. How this ability is called?

Re: dog taming, rabbit taming

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:41 pm
by pycKPblM
Hey pycKPblM,

You will need to talk to Druid Robena in Farcrag Castle to receive the Pet Ability quest.

Hope that helps.


Эй pycKPblM,

Вам нужно будет поговорить с Друидического Robena в замке Farcrag получить способность квест Pet.

Надеюсь, это поможет.
I have already taken quest. How this ability is called?
Ey pycKPblM,

Vam nuzhno budet pogovorit' s Druidicheskogo Robena v zamke Farcrag poluchit' sposobnost' kvest Pet.

Nadeyus', eto pomozhet.
. I have already taken quest. How this ability is called?

Re: dog taming, rabbit taming

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:46 pm
by Muldar
I have already taken quest. How this ability is called?
2 Quests:
1st - Talk to the animals
1.jpg (69.17 KiB) Viewed 3057 times
2nd - [Animal] Taming
2.jpg (112 KiB) Viewed 3057 times
The ability should be named [Animal] Taming

Re: dog taming, rabbit taming

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:14 pm
by pycKPblM
I have already taken quest. How this ability is called?
2 Quests:
1st - Talk to the animals


2nd - [Animal] Taming


The ability should be named [Animal] Taming
at me quest "talk to the animals" not. quests on taming of rabbits and dogs hangs! What now to do to me?

Re: dog taming, rabbit taming

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:58 pm
by pycKPblM
Understood! Thanks for the tip! but there was another problem !!! I can not find a black hen! I checked all the houses, all the people and has not found. I play on iOS

Re: dog taming, rabbit taming

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:58 am
by Everything
Если Черным Hen вы имеете в виду черный кряжистый, то вам придется, чтобы забрать случайных цыплят до Черного Dumpy будут появляться.
это случайное икру.
Я использовал Google Translate, я не уверен, что раньше Muldar. К сожалению, что грамматика не так!

Yesli Chernym Hen vy imeyete v vidu chernyy kryazhistyy, to vam pridetsya, chtoby zabrat' sluchaynykh tsyplyat do Chernogo Dumpy budut poyavlyat'sya. eto sluchaynoye ikru. YA ispol'zoval Google Translate, ya ne uveren, chto ran'she Muldar. K sozhaleniyu, chto grammatika ne tak!

If by Black Hen you mean the Black Dumpy then you will have to pick up random chickens until the Black Dumpy will spawn.
it is a random spawn.
I used Google Translate, I am not sure what Muldar used. Sorry that the grammar is wrong!

Re: dog taming, rabbit taming

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:40 am
by pycKPblM
Если Черным Hen вы имеете в виду черный кряжистый, то вам придется, чтобы забрать случайных цыплят до Черного Dumpy будут появляться.
это случайное икру.
Я использовал Google Translate, я не уверен, что раньше Muldar. К сожалению, что грамматика не так!

Yesli Chernym Hen vy imeyete v vidu chernyy kryazhistyy, to vam pridetsya, chtoby zabrat' sluchaynykh tsyplyat do Chernogo Dumpy budut poyavlyat'sya. eto sluchaynoye ikru. YA ispol'zoval Google Translate, ya ne uveren, chto ran'she Muldar. K sozhaleniyu, chto grammatika ne tak!

If by Black Hen you mean the Black Dumpy then you will have to pick up random chickens until the Black Dumpy will spawn.
it is a random spawn.
I used Google Translate, I am not sure what Muldar used. Sorry that the grammar is wrong!
yes. black dumpy! Thank you!

Re: dog taming, rabbit taming

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:54 am
by Everything
Glad to help! Enjoy the game :)