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Forgot password and didn't have any email linked to the acc.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:26 pm
by devil2000666
Hi everyone,
Recently I have just found celtic heroes again after an extremely long time not playing or having the app installed. The problem is I cant log in because I can't remember my password and I didn't have an email linked with the account. I remember the username and I can vaguely remember the look of the armour set I was using but apart from that I have no other information because it was at least a few years ago that I stopped playing.

If any staff members can help me get my account back that'll be great.

Re: Forgot password and didn't have any email linked to the acc.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:27 pm
by Muldar
Hey Devil,

Please contact us at [email protected] with the following information:

• Account Username
• Account creation date (estimate)
• Character names, levels and worlds on the account
• Platinum purchases (values) on the account
• Premium purchases (items/upgrades)
• Trades on the account
• Some banked items on a particular character

The more of these details you can provide will help us move your claim along faster.
