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How much longer will it take???

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:13 pm
by Nhdk
Hello all and moderators. So I have been waiting 3 weeks for appeals to reply to me and I have not recieved anything. Does this game even have a strong support system? Are the members of support short of people? What is the estimated wait time for me to get a reply? Do you guys know how aweful it feels to not be able to play this amazing game?? Three weeks yo!! THREE WEEKS!!! I am dieing to get back on. Is there any other way to get assistance other than emailing support/appeals? I know morgana used to help but is she a member of support still? Does she even work for OTM anymore? Shout out to Muldar who seems to be the most active member of OTM. I know you can only direct me to appeals but much appreciation for atleast responding!

Re: How much longer will it take???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:12 am
by magister22
Not trying to be rude or anything but some of its was like half a year befor my friend got a verdict and it's been over a year and he still doesn't have back but I'm sure if u wait and u didn't do anything wrong you'll get back soon good luck m8 I hope u get acc back

Re: How much longer will it take???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:44 am
by Muldar
Due to the current support workload there is still a delay on all emails / tickets.

The Support Team are working as hard as they can and you should receive a reply within the next 7 - 14 days.
