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Login on Lir (Android) is not working properly
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:23 pm
by Jolanda
Since the update (with the auction house) my clan mate has problems to log in on the server for the Android Version of Lir. She can log in on other Android worlds (like Fingal, Balor). But for the Login on Lir she gets a reply "Cannot connect to server. Please try again later". However at the same time I can access Lir without any problems.
My clan mate plays on a Sony Tablet. I use my Samsung smart phone.
Is this perhaps a problem related to different Android versions or different hardware?
Please help me as I rely heavily on the help of my clan mate. Otherwise I could not finish any task (I have already witten about this problem, that a mage is very difficult to play at higher levels (100+))
Re: Login on Lir (Android) is not working properly
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:36 pm
by Wildefyre
I don't think it's the device, alot of my clannies and myself are having alot of issues logging in to Lir the last few days also...
Re: Login on Lir (Android) is not working properly
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:52 pm
by White Death
Same issue is on Donn server as well. Logging in took a lot of time earlier and now can't log in at all. Tried log in with my both devices so issue can't be in my devices.
Re: Login on Lir (Android) is not working properly
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:05 pm
by Agent K
Same issue here in fingal, it is sersiously annoying the hell put of the most of us, starts glitching on both gathers, mid raids and we just lose it, it's pretty annoying, enough to make my day horribly bad, losing a lock on an important boss or anything, you should know what I mean, please fix it because its causing much hate to the game
Re: Login on Lir (Android) is not working properly
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:19 pm
by Skinner
Same issue I have I can't connect on none of the servers on android since this upadate bad lag I can't even recive my items I brought from Auction House I wonder how long will take to fix it
Re: Login on Lir (Android) is not working properly
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:23 pm
by Skinner
Same issue here in fingal, it is sersiously annoying the hell put of the most of us, starts glitching on both gathers, mid raids and we just lose it, it's pretty annoying, enough to make my day horribly bad, losing a lock on an important boss or anything, you should know what I mean, please fix it because its causing much hate to the game
Re: Login on Lir (Android) is not working properly
Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:56 am
by Muldar
Hey Heroes,
Recently made a post regarding the issue here: ... 10#p707375
Currently being looked into, with a fix hopefully soon.
Re: Login on Lir (Android) is not working properly
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:57 pm
by Jolanda
Thanks for all the remarks and Information so far.
The problems with login and playing still exist and I experienced quite funny and annoying things:
- on Sunday for approx. half an hour my clan mate and I were virtually alone on the Lir server. It was a bit spooky and funny as well. We got all the hunters remains and bosses in Shalemont ravine :-)
- as we still have massive problems to get on the Lir server we started new chars on the Balor server. On Balor when we are near the tavern in Lir there is massive lagging and freezing. When we are in other parts (in the Castle or in Highshore village) these graphic problems are not visible.
- we tried to create a clan with a clan banner, but that does not work on Balor (we don't tried it on the Lir server as we already have a clan there)
I guess these experiences are all part of the problem. I see forward to a bug fix soon and in the meantime I hop on and off on the servers in Lir and Balor and see what is working and what I can still do.