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Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:07 pm
by Jkbay4

I am a long time player and have recently been reported and my account deleted. Which u would know about. My account was called Muldar with i as capital. It has a character on lir. I have put a lot of money and time into this game and on the account Muldar I was doing giveaways and helping players with problems yet this account was deleted due to close name relations to admin. Which is fine and I can understand. What I don't really understand is why account was deleted and not renamed due to I never scammed or used to get items. Even tho I have people offer me free items that I refused to take. And gave many items away. For no benefit of my own. But the biggest let down for me was I had many items that I earned myself that I was using on this account before it was hastly deleted with all items still currently on. Just a quick idea for u. Original heroic amulet of rej. Primal crow mount 90/30 no level req.
Black fashion set and black flawless febal charm. All ow lux e.g.. both braclets and rings. Helm of regent. Haste gloves a couple bows and some royal rings for ranger and a regent quiver. Not including any plat I spent on the actual character. I have been patient for no response when it comes to the items being returned. But no response but when I message about anything else I get response within 3 days. This happened a few weeks ago easily by now and still no help or response. Can I please get all items from account returned to me please. It's all I ask.

Re: Help

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:04 am
by Muldar

I am a long time player and have recently been reported and my account deleted. Which u would know about. My account was called Muldar with i as capital. It has a character on lir. I have put a lot of money and time into this game and on the account Muldar I was doing giveaways and helping players with problems yet this account was deleted due to close name relations to admin. Which is fine and I can understand. What I don't really understand is why account was deleted and not renamed due to I never scammed or used to get items. Even tho I have people offer me free items that I refused to take. And gave many items away. For no benefit of my own. But the biggest let down for me was I had many items that I earned myself that I was using on this account before it was hastly deleted with all items still currently on. Just a quick idea for u. Original heroic amulet of rej. Primal crow mount 90/30 no level req.
Black fashion set and black flawless febal charm. All ow lux e.g.. both braclets and rings. Helm of regent. Haste gloves a couple bows and some royal rings for ranger and a regent quiver. Not including any plat I spent on the actual character. I have been patient for no response when it comes to the items being returned. But no response but when I message about anything else I get response within 3 days. This happened a few weeks ago easily by now and still no help or response. Can I please get all items from account returned to me please. It's all I ask.
The character has been restored and renamed to jkbay4.

I would advise not using admin names in future.

Re: Help

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:03 am
by Jkbay4
Thank you. I guess I will even though no harm was done but not worth lossing so many items