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Can't log in coz of conflict username

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:00 am
by UnknownSy
I've had this account for like 2.5 years but I didn't play for a while and now when I tried to log in it say conflict name...can any1 help me pls and tyvm for your efforts

Re: Can't log in coz of conflict username

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 2:00 pm
by Muldar
I've had this account for like 2.5 years but I didn't play for a while and now when I tried to log in it say conflict name...can any1 help me pls and tyvm for your efforts
Hey Sy,

Can you provide me with your character name and world?


Re: Can't log in coz of conflict username

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:40 am
by UnknownSy
My character in game name is XxMAxX
It's a warrior.. Not sure what lvl
World : Fingal
Username : Unkn0wn
Thanks for the help.

Re: Can't log in coz of conflict username

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:54 am
by Muldar
My character in game name is XxMAxX
It's a warrior.. Not sure what lvl
World : Fingal
Username : [REMOVED]
Thanks for the help.
Conflict was removed yesterday, should be able to sign in with "YOURUSERNAME"ios and "YOURUSERNAME"android

Re: Can't log in coz of conflict username

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:57 am
by UnknownSy
I will try to sign in now.. Tyvm!

Re: Can't log in coz of conflict username

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 12:18 pm
by UnknownSy
My character in game name is XxMAxX
It's a warrior.. Not sure what lvl
World : Fingal
Username : [REMOVED]
Thanks for the help.
Conflict was removed yesterday, should be able to sign in with "YOURUSERNAME"ios and "YOURUSERNAME"android
I've tried to sign in, but it say wrong username or password.. And I pretty sure I'm using the correct password coz I use it for almost everything.. Is there anything I can do?

Re: Can't log in coz of conflict username

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 12:21 pm
by Muldar
My character in game name is XxMAxX
It's a warrior.. Not sure what lvl
World : Fingal
Username : [REMOVED]
Thanks for the help.
Conflict was removed yesterday, should be able to sign in with "YOURUSERNAME"ios and "YOURUSERNAME"android
I've tried to sign in, but it say wrong username or password.. And I pretty sure I'm using the correct password coz I use it for almost everything.. Is there anything I can do?
For account retrieval you will have to contact [email protected].

If you can provide them with the answers to these questions it will help speed up the process:

- Username for account -
- Registered email -
- When account created/last played -
- Character(s) name(s) on the account - include deleted ones if you can remember them -
- Character levels on the account -
- Clans that characters are members of -
- Servers the characters are on -
- Premium purchases made -
- Any plat purchases made on the account and amount -
- Some items that characters will have or have equipped -
