Auction house deposits
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:02 am
Hello community.
So I’ve been attempting to regain a 600k deposit I lost in late December for a few months now.
Here is what happened. I posted a 100 speed spirit glider on ah for 16 million buyout for 48 hours with a deposit of 600k.
I took my listing down at 46 hours.
I lost my 600k deposit... Gasp!...
I did not know I’d lose my deposit taking my listing down early.
Support told me twice in the past two days that no refund would be given.
I reached out to my clan (the most active on Danu) and asked if ah policy was clearly stated before we started using it. Certainly, had I’d known that I’d lose 600k taking my listing down 2 hrs early I’d have left it up for the full 48 hours.
I’d come to learn that I lost many deposits over time doing this in the beginning stages of using ah but only found out when the 600k was lost. It was significant enough to notice.
Anyone else experience this issue? Was there clear policy stated with ah that I somehow missed? Please offer up some insight so that others may avoid such pitfalls.
So I’ve been attempting to regain a 600k deposit I lost in late December for a few months now.
Here is what happened. I posted a 100 speed spirit glider on ah for 16 million buyout for 48 hours with a deposit of 600k.
I took my listing down at 46 hours.
I lost my 600k deposit... Gasp!...
I did not know I’d lose my deposit taking my listing down early.
Support told me twice in the past two days that no refund would be given.
I reached out to my clan (the most active on Danu) and asked if ah policy was clearly stated before we started using it. Certainly, had I’d known that I’d lose 600k taking my listing down 2 hrs early I’d have left it up for the full 48 hours.
I’d come to learn that I lost many deposits over time doing this in the beginning stages of using ah but only found out when the 600k was lost. It was significant enough to notice.
Anyone else experience this issue? Was there clear policy stated with ah that I somehow missed? Please offer up some insight so that others may avoid such pitfalls.