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Admin deleted my PM and doesn't fix my account

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 1:45 am
by MrTwoTermz
I've have been ignored for multiple days now when people get there's fixed in hours I don't understand how hard it is to fix a problem that you caused. You guys literally locked people's accounts who haven't played in years because you couldn't find a better way to ban the people botting. All I'm asking is that my accounts are unlocked. I'm not asking for a username or password just for the account to be unlocked it's shouldn't be that hard to do since you guys messed it up in the first place. So can I please get an answer back asap

Re: Admin deleted my PM and doesn't fix my account

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 8:28 pm
by Muldar
As you PMd me on Saturday I have yet to read your PM to resolve your issue (We don't work weekends, though I usually check on the forums / social media)

Rest assured your PM will be handled tomorrow provided you have submitted the requested account information.


Re: Admin deleted my PM and doesn't fix my account

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 1:05 pm
by Muldar
[Issue resolved via PM]