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Which world is busiest?
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 5:35 pm
by Jab1991
I've got a character in Sulis at the moment and was thinking about creating new one down the line, but Sulis seems to have gone dead. Are there more busier ones or ones with more active players?
Just curious, do worlds ever get merged? Would save a lot of space on servers I would have thought...anyway, I digress there.
Re: Which world is busiest?
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 5:46 pm
by Critical
As for active servers I would say Arawn, Fingal and Epona are all very active and I think Gwydion (think that's how u spell it) is pretty crowded aswell. And about merging serveers I def don't think OTM will be merging servers atleast not for a while.
Re: Which world is busiest?
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 5:51 pm
by Jab1991
Would you say crowded ones are better to play because of the prospect of getting help and what not or?
Re: Which world is busiest?
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 6:18 pm
by Critical
Would you say crowded ones are better to play because of the prospect of getting help and what not or?
Server choice really depends on what you personally like. Epona for example use a roll system for most boss drops (and I think there's almost no comp either) meanwhile other servers usually use dkp system or distribute gear based on which players the gens/cheif personally think deserve. There's also a lot of servers that have 1 dominant clan which results in low comp at bosses and the top clan getting a ton of drops for themselfs, for example Arawn have (from what I know) low boss comp or atleast haven't had alot of boss comp for a long time. But to the topic of activity as you were talking about, it's also personal preference really. Some perks of it is that there will most likely be an active market, players that can help you and clans that can gear you pretty well. Although some people might wanna play on more relaxed servers were they maybe know almost every player very well and have been playing since they started etc.
Re: Which world is busiest?
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 6:28 pm
by Critical
As for me personally I like servers with boss comp, having awesome gear but no comp kinda removes the whole purpose of good gear imo since there's no1 to use the good gear against really lol. I play on Belenus and even though we are not the most active server then we are one of the few servers were you have competition on a high lvl. Both endgame clans on Belenus have killed gelebron and both clans still camp bosses actively to progress. Although at the higher levels I feel like there's a little spike of inactiveness atm while there's been more low lvled players lately.
Edit: Keep in mind that all servers will get a player boost when Coruppted Gardens update comes out live since its gonna be the first new area update (not counting area reworks) since Towers update that was back in 2015. The new area is gonna bring back some endgamers that has gotten bored.
Re: Which world is busiest?
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 8:10 pm
by Jab1991
That's brilliant. Thanks for all the info.
I'm looking to be a druid again to be honest, but would like a server which doesn't have loads of competition.
So, I may just go for one which hasn't been mentioned and take a chance.
What would you say?
Re: Which world is busiest?
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 11:18 pm
by Alyssandra
That's brilliant. Thanks for all the info.
I'm looking to be a druid again to be honest, but would like a server which doesn't have loads of competition.
So, I may just go for one which hasn't been mentioned and take a chance.
What would you say?
Epona is good to druids. Because there are no true lock battles, there's plenty of room for either dps, hybrid or heal druids to play and participate.
Re: Which world is busiest?
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:13 am
by Jab1991
That sounds good. Thanks for the info. I will perhaps make an account later down the line as I don't have much time these days :/
Any other ones ore mainly that one for the time being?
Re: Which world is busiest?
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 11:04 am
by Armo
Pretty sure druids are treasured in literally every server.
Reach end game level with a druid, and any clan would want you.
Re: Which world is busiest?
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 11:13 am
by Jab1991
Ok brilliant stuff. Thanks.