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It has been a week

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 5:06 pm
by quinn2000
I haven't received my answer from appeals yet. I replied with the platinum purchase dates they requested. Please PM me for my email address. I am appealing for the name of RageOfFire (level 70+ toon on Herne)


Re: It has been a week

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 4:49 pm
by Muldar
I haven't received my answer from appeals yet. I replied with the platinum purchase dates they requested. Please PM me for my email address. I am appealing for the name of RageOfFire (level 70+ toon on Herne)

Hey Quinn,

Have you had a reply? The Appeals Team were working through emails today.

If not let me know and I will check the status of your appeal tomorrow.


Re: It has been a week

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 5:12 pm
by quinn2000
I haven't received my answer from appeals yet. I replied with the platinum purchase dates they requested. Please PM me for my email address. I am appealing for the name of RageOfFire (level 70+ toon on Herne)

Hey Quinn,

Have you had a reply? The Appeals Team were working through emails today.

If not let me know and I will check the status of your appeal tomorrow.


No, I have not.