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Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 1:31 pm
by Skerwald
Hi, I've sent multiple requests to ban a certain player in my server for threatening me twice with real life information, yet this person seems to still be able to freely roam my server. I've provided proof and everything, how is this possible?

Re: Threatened

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 3:58 am
by Elfylolz
Hi, I've sent multiple requests to ban a certain player in my server for threatening me twice with real life information, yet this person seems to still be able to freely roam my server. I've provided proof and everything, how is this possible?
It's pretty common to be threatened over game and the vast majority of the time either you get punished or noone does for example one time I got communication banned for arguing back with someone who threatened my families and my lives and I was the one who reported them. If they have your actual irl Info your best bet would be bringing it to the attention of your local authorities

Re: Threatened

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 9:14 am
by Skerwald
Hi, I've sent multiple requests to ban a certain player in my server for threatening me twice with real life information, yet this person seems to still be able to freely roam my server. I've provided proof and everything, how is this possible?
It's pretty common to be threatened over game and the vast majority of the time either you get punished or noone does for example one time I got communication banned for arguing back with someone who threatened my families and my lives and I was the one who reported them. If they have your actual irl Info your best bet would be bringing it to the attention of your local authorities
He threatened me twice using real life info and merely a couple days ago he used real life info in another app trying to insult my. This person has threatened one other person before as well using their real life information too. I think bringing it to my local authorities will do nothing and it would already be as if I take it too a whole next level, which I would rather avoid over just a game. But I think something done about it in game is in place.

Re: Threatened

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 9:22 am
by Muldar
Hey Skerwald,

Could you PM me the details and I can look into it further?

Is this player threatening you in our game or in a third party app?

Re: Threatened

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 6:56 am
by Skerwald
Hey Skerwald,

Could you PM me the details and I can look into it further?

Is this player threatening you in our game or in a third party app?
PMed you, I made a mail with all details a month ago or so as well.

Re: Threatened

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 5:19 pm
by bob the mage
Same happened to me but nothing happened so gave up. Ended up leaving the server anyways a month and a half ago and it’s been nice to not have all that drama and bs anymore...

Hopefully OTM can help you, it seems most of the time they don’t do anything unless it’s an explicit “I will kill you” or something along those lines where the threat is made clear.
Good luck!

Re: Threatened

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 12:11 pm
by Muldar
Hey Skerwald,

Could you PM me the details and I can look into it further?

Is this player threatening you in our game or in a third party app?
PMed you, I made a mail with all details a month ago or so as well.
Apologies, I've been unable to look into this further.

Will attempt to this week.