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Instrument Skill

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:32 am
by EdgeLord
So I recently got a flute that regens out of combat energy. It also came with a skill called "Jaunty Melody". What I don't know is what the skill does, as the flute automatically regens energy when I equip it. Does it stack? Or does it not do anything? Any help is appreciated :)

Re: Instrument Skill

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:53 am
by Bitey
So I recently got a flute that regens out of combat energy. It also came with a skill called "Jaunty Melody". What I don't know is what the skill does, as the flute automatically regens energy when I equip it. Does it stack? Or does it not do anything? Any help is appreciated :)
It will stack, and I believe you can also cast it on other people

Re: Instrument Skill

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 2:13 am
by EdgeLord
Thank you for helping :D