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In game ticket

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 4:35 pm
by Shadae
When opening an in game there a word limit? Also..there is not option that I have seen to upload a screen grab.


Re: In game ticket

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 3:38 am
by Eragon123
When opening an in game there a word limit? Also..there is not option that I have seen to upload a screen grab.

I’m not sure about the word limit, and no, there isn’t a way to upload an image through the support tool. If you have an image that needs to be shared with Support, email it to [email protected], or send it to them on Facebook messaging.

To make things easier, if you haven’t submitted an ingame ticket yet, just add the details to the email/FB message so Support doesn’t have to try to tie multiple methods of communication together.
If you already sent the ticket, then just mention in the email the character and server that the ticket was sent in on, and as close of an estimate to the time of the submission as well. I’m not 100% sure how helpful those things are, but based on common sense I think they can’t hurt.

Re: In game ticket

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 3:20 am
by Tadaaah
I know we have a word limit when we answer you, but I don't think you have one when writing in.

Re: In game ticket

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 4:18 am
by Alyssandra
I know we have a word limit when we answer you, but I don't think you have one when writing in.
I’ve run into it before. It’s the main reason I default to emails rather than using the in-game support tool. That, and the inability to add images.

Re: In game ticket

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 4:25 am
by Tadaaah
I know we have a word limit when we answer you, but I don't think you have one when writing in.
I’ve run into it before. It’s the main reason I default to emails rather than using the in-game support tool. That, and the inability to add images.
Then, it's probably the same limit we have in responding which is about a paragraph.