Was discussing it not long ago and now I’m actually pretty curious
Everyone knows about using bugs provided by the game to jump the invisible borders. But can you get in trouble for it?
If it’s purely for fun and you don’t gain from it, should be fine right?
But I presume it’s bad when you do abuse it for benefit?
As far as I know, you are right. If it's just used for having fun and checking out the behind the scenes stuff, it's not really a problem...the issue comes when it's being used as shortcuts to bosses or to skirt around more dangerous parts of the map. VR tries to fix the bugs, but some of them are just so weird and random (*cough shadowstrike cough*) that not much can be done.
Even if it has no possible game impact at all, VR will still do their best to fix it...they (rightly) don't want to leave bugs in the game, even if they are completely harmless (or benefit the players).
Of course, that's just my opinion, and the general idea from when OTM ran things, VR may have different ideas. I also want to point out that Support can't divine your intentions. If they get a report that you are using the wall jumping as a cheat method, and it looks like you may be (even if you don't mean to) there is a chance you could get in trouble.
Basically, like every grey area, no one is stopping you from doing it, but be careful...and don't complain if you get in trouble.