Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Your favorite detergent here!

hello everyone! I haven’t played in ages, but even when I did I barely did play! Lol well anyways to cut to the point I’m new and I’m looking for a new fresh world to start on and make some pretty cool friends, looking for someone that can show me the ropes and give some awesome advice! ( no I’m not asking for items or anything like that just a few pointers lol)

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Re: Your favorite detergent here!

Welcome back!

Idk much about all the servers but Gwydion is ace if you like end game content. If you give it a go let me know and I am always super happy to help :)

Any idea what class you're going for?

Eury ♥
Thanks! I have no idea yet, might go for ranger! Would be cool to know what the world needs more of! Plus what social app does Gwy use?

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