I agree with Agent K. I got scammed on mabon of pretty much everything I had of value (which really was like 2k, but I thought it was A LOT at the time XD) I moved to rhiannon and eventually started the merching grind again, and then my account got deleted and I did it AGAIN on Arawn. In the end, if you have levels on Fingal and some stuff, you should just stay there unless people there are total jerks (which I really doubt). I've noticed that people have been more giving now then a couple years back and trust me, it is very annoying to have nothing when you had nice stuff before. Plus, if you stay on fingal, you can avoid the scammer because you know his name and you have friends to help you. (Ignore the horrible grammar rn lol)
-THEONLYDICE, Chieftan of Cult, One and ONLY Cultmaster of Arawn, level 70 druid that sits in the castle all day,
"De wae is to merch until your stomach wanna perch and then you forgot that you're still level 5 with a bunch of lvl 190 lux...."