Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: New player, couple of questions and best server for EU timezones?

Welcome to the game!

You may have been talking to me on Reddit =)
Oh yeah, quite possibly! Haven't played since then because of the new iPad Pro release and the game not being optimized for it. But now that the big patch is out, I'll start playing again! :D unfortunately it doesn't seem like my old character will transfer over (not that I got any far), so guess I gotta dig up my old iPad and delete said character so that I can re-use the name haha.
Streaming MMO's and now iOS games! Stop by sometime! ♥

Re: New player, couple of questions and best server for EU timezones?

Welcome to the game, I have not played on other servers except Herne I’m up based and of course EU-ish time zone. Th clans on our server are from all over so depending on what time of the day it is different clans are populating the server.

I have been in 4 clans in total for various reasons and I found the time zone always a factor, luckily the clan I am in now we have members from all over so I get to be around other members anytime I play ;)
That's good to know :D so far I'm leaning towards Taranis for server, mostly because I think the name is cool. It's tough to get a proper overview on population on servers, but I shouldn't worry too much about this as the game does seem rather populated.
Streaming MMO's and now iOS games! Stop by sometime! ♥

Re: New player, couple of questions and best server for EU timezones?

Welcome to the game!

You may have been talking to me on Reddit =)
Oh yeah, quite possibly! Haven't played since then because of the new iPad Pro release and the game not being optimized for it. But now that the big patch is out, I'll start playing again! :D unfortunately it doesn't seem like my old character will transfer over (not that I got any far), so guess I gotta dig up my old iPad and delete said character so that I can re-use the name haha.
Contact support! Do not delete your old toon.

Let them know via in game supporr from your new account and they will ask you a few questions.

Name, level, amount of gold, items carried, etc... as long as you can answer those basic questions they will migrate your character to a new account for you.

This is one of the main issues with using a guest account and why I have been advocating to have the guest account system ocerhauled. Luckily, you seem to be a patient person but...


Understandably, they have been putting everything on backburner while the engine change has been hammered out, but now I feel is the time to overhaul this guest account stuff.

Re: New player, couple of questions and best server for EU timezones?

Welcome to the game!

You may have been talking to me on Reddit =)
Oh yeah, quite possibly! Haven't played since then because of the new iPad Pro release and the game not being optimized for it. But now that the big patch is out, I'll start playing again! :D unfortunately it doesn't seem like my old character will transfer over (not that I got any far), so guess I gotta dig up my old iPad and delete said character so that I can re-use the name haha.
Contact support! Do not delete your old toon.

Let them know via in game supporr from your new account and they will ask you a few questions.

Name, level, amount of gold, items carried, etc... as long as you can answer those basic questions they will migrate your character to a new account for you.

This is one of the main issues with using a guest account and why I have been advocating to have the guest account system ocerhauled. Luckily, you seem to be a patient person but...


Understandably, they have been putting everything on backburner while the engine change has been hammered out, but now I feel is the time to overhaul this guest account stuff.
I did find my character! It's only level 15, but I went to character creation until server selection, then chose Taranis, and then I had access again! For some reason I couldn't select Taranis from the get-go, I had to go through character creation for that
Streaming MMO's and now iOS games! Stop by sometime! ♥

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