Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Sweetie Pie - Druid

I've been in gaming for about 30+ years. I worked on a network on DOS and watched Windows come into the world. I have been an alpha and beta tester for many games and have played more games than I can remember. I am old for a gamer ... 70 yrs old. Am getting forgetful so be easy h with me. O.o !

Re: Sweetie Pie - Druid

I've been in gaming for about 30+ years. I worked on a network on DOS and watched Windows come into the world. I have been an alpha and beta tester for many games and have played more games than I can remember. I am old for a gamer ... 70 yrs old. Am getting forgetful so be easy h with me. O.o !
Welcome to the Land of Dal Riata. I'm already forgetting things and I'm half your age. Don't feel bad. Lol
Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.

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