Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Ulysses Grant Warrior

A lot of 220 players are levelling alts or have levelled multiple alts so remember the struggle well (although they invariably have it easier with a stockpile of gold etc).

I do agree with you though it’s very hard for new players. The travel speed, the full bag, the lack of hp and energy regen without sigils, the many confusing and useless quests.

I will echo what everyone else said. Make your warrior dps for levelling. My tank was dps til 220 and with the right build it’s an easy class to level and versatile at endgame. Add enough vit to stay alive then most points in strength. If you got sigils make sure to open them, they make your life much easier for health and energy Regen. Put your restoration potions on your hotbar too if you haven’t done it, so you don’t have to keep going into your bag.
MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

Re: Ulysses Grant Warrior

Hi new here, loving the game, discovered it a couple weeks ago. I’m on Donn. Have many Qs but will post those elsewhere. A fan of the real US Grant :)
Welcome aboard. If u would like, download Line and add me by my id (ofek16), I'll give u some starting advices.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Ulysses Grant Warrior

Deleted the game. Maybe if they do some major fixes at lower levels I’ll come back. But my goodness grind and one mob at a time? #salute and good luck. It was $40 I thought well spent ...
Sorry to see ya leave.

Yeah the grind is a pain, but there isn't much that can/will be done about it. OTM majorly shot themselves in the foot by setting such a high level cap (in my opinion). If you thought lower levels are bad, then it's probably a good thing you aren't sticking around until endgame....It's quite a bit worse then lol.

I'm not quite sure what your issue is with one mob at a time. If you were to group up, your group should be able to handle multiple mobs, and go much faster. CH has a major focus on player interaction, so grouping up is highly encouraged (even if xp amounts are lower, the faster kills usually make up for it, plus the player interaction can be fun, chatting while you level.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
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