Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Hi, just started today(Belenus)

My IGN is the same as it is here, looking for friends on Belenus server, just went with what was set as the first option to me. Been playing a few hours now and enjoy the game but it’s incredibly quiet socially and I rarely come across other players my level which is only 23 at the moment.

Re: Hi, just started today(Belenus)

Welcome to Celtic Heroes!

It's possible you were online at a quiet period on the server. The time of your post seems to be just before 4pm EST. I'd guess a bunch of US players (which I'd guess to be the largest percentage of the player base) are probably getting on right about now (an hour after your post) as they get home from school and work. Of course there are plenty of players from across the globe so it's possible that those who were online were levelling or boss hunting in the higher leveled zones.

Either way, welcome to the game! If you have any questions about game mechanics, skills, items whatever feel free to post around in the subforums! There are plenty of knowledgeable players here who like to help out newer folks.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: Hi, just started today(Belenus)

Hey there! Welcome to Celtic Heroes!
If you’re really concerned about population in your server, it may be a good idea to look into other servers while you’re still at lower level. There are a lot of very lively servers like Epona. However I suggest waiting a little longer before being absolutely sure you want to switch servers.
Hope you have a good gaming experience! As Eragon said, feel free to ask any questions in the appropriate forum. There are a lot of very helpful and knowledgeable players here who would be happy to help you. ;)
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

Re: Hi, just started today(Belenus)

My IGN is the same as it is here, looking for friends on Belenus server, just went with what was set as the first option to me. Been playing a few hours now and enjoy the game but it’s incredibly quiet socially and I rarely come across other players my level which is only 23 at the moment.
Welcome to bele!
Impious DPS Ranger of Elementals

Re: Hi, just started today(Belenus)

Welcome to the game. As it seems you noticed CH is a very group oriented game and it's much simpler (and funner imo (idc if it's not a word)) when you have a good groupe to play with where you guys can help each other out. Unfortunately, some servers just don't have that many players (much less new ones) and it might make it difficult to play there. I'm not sure how belenus is doing but if you haven't found a clan or many players to help you might want to try an find the best server for you before you invest to much time and effort in one character.

(made this post previously just figured I'd add it to this post as it's also relevant). G.L.

Re: Hi, just started today(Belenus)

Hello and welcome Hero!

You will most likely find other players in the social hubs of Dal Riata, that is places like the Tavern and Farcrag Castle. In the first couple zones, it will be pretty quiet (and peaceful) until you decide to join a guild who often group together!

Please don't hesitate to ask questions or engage in any other posts on the forums! :)

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