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Hii Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 3:56 pm
by conqueror
Hello i am going to start this game today archer class.
I am ROM Eternal Love player. So when i trying to make class its asking for server.
Can anyone help me which too join or we can play one class in every server ? Im not into pvp gamestyle just need to hunt bosses and Endgame game boss game style. Waiting for the reply before i joined a server. Till then ill watch videos on YouTube about this game.

Re: Hii Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 4:13 pm
by bob the mage
Hello i am going to start this game today archer class.
I am ROM Eternal Love player. So when i trying to make class its asking for server.
Can anyone help me which too join or we can play one class in every server ? Im not into pvp gamestyle just need to hunt bosses and Endgame game boss game style. Waiting for the reply before i joined a server. Till then ill watch videos on YouTube about this game.
Welcome to the game!!!
Ranger is a great class to pick, especially for the current EG set up!

You can have a toon on each server if you want, there are quite a few people who play this way, however that is a lot of leveling and gearing as you cannot mail or trade items across servers.

We would be happy to have you on Gwydion if you wanted to join :)
However past welcoming you here, what type of world are you looking for?
DKP like system for end game, rolling, leader chosen, competitive servers, noncompetitive servers, sometimes competitive servers.
Each server is unique and awesome in their own rights so it’s hard to just say “go to X!” If you have any preferences for server types I would be more than happy to help direct you to a server!

I would also recommend checking the sub forums for each server here to get a taste for what’s going on there!

I hope this helps! Feel free to pm me as well if you have any follow up questions or just reply here :)
— Bob

Re: Hii Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 4:26 pm
by Eragon123
Hello i am going to start this game today archer class.
I am ROM Eternal Love player. So when i trying to make class its asking for server.
Can anyone help me which too join or we can play one class in every server ? Im not into pvp gamestyle just need to hunt bosses and Endgame game boss game style. Waiting for the reply before i joined a server. Till then ill watch videos on YouTube about this game.
Hey there, welcome to the wonderful world of Celtic Heroes! Rangers are a great class, really good for new players (in my opinion) as they are pretty decent damage and survivability through the game.

Each server has its quirks, but for the most part they are generally similar in layout, with one or two endgame clans competing for bosses. Epona is the exception, as they use a free-for-all strategy, where anyone who participates in the fight has a small chance of receiving a drop regardless of clan. With other servers, the endgame clan that kills the boss usually consolidates the drops and then players can request drops (or are rewarded drops) from the clan bank.

You can have multiple characters on different servers (by default you have 2 character slots unlocked on each server, and you can purchase more with the premium currency Platinum) so you can try multiple servers. However, characters are locked to their server - there's no way to move a character or their gear and gold from one server to another.

There isn't much of a PVP aspect in Celtic Heroes, aside from 1v1 duels in one of the maps, and a global arena where players can mingle with those of other servers and fight each other for fun, so you don't have to worry about any PVP aspect.

There are, however, a lot of bosses to kill, so you will have fun with that as you progress in the game :D

If you have any questions about game mechanics or aspects of the game, or get stuck on anything, feel free to post in the appropriate subforums here! There are plenty of helpful players wandering around the forums who are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Re: Hii Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 5:08 pm
by conqueror
Thanks for the warm welcome Bob and Eragon, As for server i would love DKP system because it help active player alot. And competitive because it bring fun aspect to the game and need to track time for mvp(bosses) any server comes in your mind like that? And active guild because im not solo type of person guild needed for general chating and gain more experience from knowledgeable player.

And any group for this game discord or something else ?

Re: Hii Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 5:58 pm
by Angmar Reid
Thanks for the warm welcome Bob and Eragon, As for server i would love DKP system because it help active player alot. And competitive because it bring fun aspect to the game and need to track time for mvp(bosses) any server comes in your mind like that? And active guild because im not solo type of person guild needed for general chating and gain more experience from knowledgeable player.

And any group for this game discord or something else ?
Hey there! Welcome to Celtic Heroes, glad to have you here.

There are multiple apps people use for CH to keep in contact. If you’re looking for a way to talk to your clan or server, it usually depends on what your clan or server is using. CH players, as far as I know, use mainly Band, Line, and Discord. I personally have only used Band and Line.

Happy hunting!

Re: Hii Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 6:01 pm
by DTrain976
i've used line and band but never discord. do people on other servers use discord alot? i've heard good things about it...

Re: Hii Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 6:06 pm
by Angmar Reid
i've used line and band but never discord. do people on other servers use discord alot? i've heard good things about it...
LD on Herne uses it quite a bit, I believe. I can’t say for the other servers.

Re: Hii Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:01 pm
by bob the mage
Thanks for the warm welcome Bob and Eragon, As for server i would love DKP system because it help active player alot. And competitive because it bring fun aspect to the game and need to track time for mvp(bosses) any server comes in your mind like that? And active guild because im not solo type of person guild needed for general chating and gain more experience from knowledgeable player.

And any group for this game discord or something else ?
Heya Conqueror,
A good number of the main clans in this game use DKP for distributing loot. Each clan has its own unique spin and further rules to make them unique however. As to competitive and active this further narrows down the field a bit more. The list of servers that I would suggest would be:
-) Gwydion:
Main clan: Relentless
Loot style: DKP
Leadership style: no chief, council of Generals. But in reality clansmen vote and discuss everything, leaders usually just put final touches and put it into writing as well as make final cut decisions etc..
Competition: sporadic. Year round competition through lower tier End Game and through all armor bosses, but for about half the year another clan pops up annually that competes through gelebron.
Economy: Pretty decent but not as good as say Epona's.

-) Morrigan
Main Clan: Havoc
Loot style: DKP
Leadership style: standard
Competition: Fierce but cooperative. Avalon and Havoc used to be at each other's throats, but after Avalon partially faded away when Aileron and others quit, it has become more peaceful but from what I read and hear still very much competitive.

-) Sulis
Main clan: ? really 3 clans that operate on the server. From what I can recall who is on top changes and is a matter for discussion.
Loot style: DKP mostly
Leadership style: standard
Competition: Fierce, Fierce, Fierce. If you want competition, this may be the server for you. Competition through gelebron (2nd highest EG boss).

-) Herne
Main clan: Lazydrunks (feeder:babydrunks)
Loot style: DKP
Leadership style: Standard
Competition: moderate. The competition is decent enough to down some of the older EG bosses (mordy, necro) but is only somewhat able to compete at proteus and as of now can't touch gelebron.
Other notes: there is a mild amount of drama here but it has mostly gone away by now. The economy is pretty healthy and the server strength is rising.

Other Servers of interest:
-) Mabon: 3rd highest BT kill count along with Gwyd in 2nd and Epona in 1st. Gwyd and Mabon are pretty much equal in kill counts with epona a small lead ahead.
-) Arawn: Probably the second best economy after Epona, but a lot of drama and the main clan isn't as strong as it used to be. Server is really competitive following a break from the main clan and beefing up the secondary clan Colours. (I used to play EG here before I left the main clan to move to Gwyd.)
-) Rosmerta: Main feature is that only one clan has a full monopoly over every layer of bosses. Lot of external drama however, and a large clan body makes gearing a bit slower. However, since they have a full monopoly no real competition and if you are willing to put in a lot of work to rise to the top of the DKP it's guaranteed gear as a result.
-) Epona, no competition but best economy and overall server strength in the game. No competition as anyone regardless of clan can roll at bosses for loot and all can be sold.
-) Nuada: Newest server created, only a few years old. This means its possible to join and make a name for yourself without being bogged down by loads of server history. Server was recently shaken by a plat hack and a lot got banned, but server has made a very impressive come back. Economy is pretty decent, and server strength is rising. Great place if you want to make a name for yourself without having to compete with old faces.

I'd still really suggest reading the subforums for each server. I know that many have a stickied "About our server" post that is usually updated regularly and provides a really good idea of what is going on.

If you have any follow up questions or anything else you are curious about feel free to ask!
I hope this helps!

Re: Hii Everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 12:46 am
by Armo
Hey mate, welcome to the game.

In terms of servers, I wouldn’t recommend Crom since there’s no competition (game is a lot more casual in the end game).

Best of luck in your decision.

Re: Hii Everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 1:42 am
by conqueror
Thanks all of you :)

Bob wow thank you so much i think ill choose sulis, where i think there is 2-3 clan who face each other right ?
That will be fun