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I'm new here, and I need help.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 12:18 pm
by MohanTheGreat
Hello fellow CH players, I'm a new player. I'm a lvl 19 rouge in belenus server. I would like to ask for help in playing the game like farming exp, gold, items, and the such.
I am also clanless at the moment. I want to learn the ways of the rouge so rouge mains I need your help. Thanks for letting me be a part of the community :)

Re: I'm new here, and I need help.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 1:03 pm
by Eragon123
Hey there, welcome to Celtic Heroes!

At your level, your best bet would probably be to follow along with the questline through Shalemont and Stonevale. That gives you some decent starting gear, as well some gold and exp. Farming at lower levels is trickier and doesn't have that much of a benefit, I'd recommend you spend your time levelling up a bit more.

Once you finish the Stonevale questline, you will probably be around level 50. Once you get to that point, you could try going back to an earlier area (for example Shalemont) and farming mobs for gold. That being said, you do get a decent amount of gold by leveling on mobs your level (though it's more challenging).

Looking forward, you will probably want to save up your gold for energy regen jewelry. New gear is good, but energy regeneration is more important to start out. Also, keep an eye out for rings that give you skill points in your commonly used skills. Those are really helpful! You can find them as mob drops, or more likely find other players selling them in the Auction House.

For Rogue specific questions, feel free to post in the Rogue subforum, otherwise you will probably get some answers here too. Rogues are a great class with nice high damage. Your best skills (to start out) are Sneaky Attack and Quick Strike. You can try to buy skill tomes for Shadowstrike and Riposte from other players, as those are really good skills too. Rogues have several other useful skills too, most of which depend on how you want to play. For example, Life Steal is a good option if you are struggling to stay alive.

Enjoy your journey in Dal Riata!

Re: I'm new here, and I need help.

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 5:57 pm
by SamySamSamBoss2000
Hello fellow CH players, I'm a new player. I'm a lvl 19 rouge in belenus server. I would like to ask for help in playing the game like farming exp, gold, items, and the such.
I am also clanless at the moment. I want to learn the ways of the rouge so rouge mains I need your help. Thanks for letting me be a part of the community :)
Welcome to the game. As it seems you noticed CH is a very group oriented game and it's much simpler (and funner imo (idc if it's not a word)) when you have a good groupe to play with where you guys can help each other out. Unfortunately, some servers just don't have that many players (much less new ones) and it might make it difficult to play there. I'm not sure how belenus is doing but if you haven't found a clan or many players to help you might want to try an find the best server for you before you invest to much time and effort in one character.