Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

hi everyone !!

new player here, just wanted to write a quick post and join the community !! :) kinda sucks to have joined about a week before all of these current server issues, but I'm looking forward to being able to get back to questing soon. in the mean time, I'm enjoying reading threads on here and listening to the soundtrack on youtube lol. any tips are much appreciated, learned ones !!

Re: hi everyone !!

Hello welcome to the community.
Ya that sucks but hopefully Deca will fix the sever issue and soon . Maybe Deca will make the game better than it was before.
Rayla lvl 220 Warrior Belenus Chief of clan Bloom
Sarai lvl 60 PvP Warrior Chief of 60Heroes of Belenus

YouTube: Dragon Guard Gaming for Ch content

Re: hi everyone !!

Heyy welcome to Celtic heroes :) Some tips for a new player starting out would have to be..follow the quest line! Following the main quest line gives you gold, experience, and helps you explore through the maps appropriate for your level:) Do repeatable quests, ones you can easily handle by yourself which give you lots of XP. Level up your fishing until you can fish along the big river in shalemont (lvl 70) depending on your server, it can be a real asset to you in terms of farming gold (Epona you may have some difficulties tho, since so many players fish there. I’d skip it if you play epona). Do daily bounties, it’s a great source of XP, gold, and bounty tokens to craft pets and mounts:)
AllDatJazz, 234 Druid ~ Chieftain of Pegasus ~ Lugh

Re: hi everyone !!

new player here, just wanted to write a quick post and join the community !! :) kinda sucks to have joined about a week before all of these current server issues, but I'm looking forward to being able to get back to questing soon. in the mean time, I'm enjoying reading threads on here and listening to the soundtrack on youtube lol. any tips are much appreciated, learned ones !!

WELCOME! You have joined at an unfortunate time with the current circumstances, but rest assure this game has a long long and lots of love to come to it! Welcome! If you want to visit Balor server I have lots of quest gear I support new comers :)

Re: hi everyone !!

thanks everyone for the warm welcomes :) !! I"m currently playing on Epona with a friend that showed me CH, but we are frequently active at different times so I am playing solo a lot too. I'm just go to lvl 20 in fishing before servers went down, but the docks do get crowded lol !! I'm sure I will branch out to other servers as I get more comfortable in the game, and test out other classes as well !! :)

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