Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Returning Player

Hello, I'm Celeste and I was (and still am) Ami from Rosmerta! It's been wild since I initially played this game when I was 10 and now I'm a college student😅 I haven't touched this game in over half a decade so I'm very out of the loop, but I recently remembered how many memories I made playing this game during some very formative years of my life and was so excited to see it still on the app store😄 I logged in to find a lvl 90 Mage with a crappy build and outdated gear (to be fair I was, like, 12 when I first put her together lol) so if anyone has any pointers on where to go from here, feel free to let me know! (Side note, I really want a mount omg. Those guys look so fun!! I don't know the ins and outs of how all these tokens work and which mounts are the best yet though, so I have some forum digging to do later haha)

But ultimately, I was and always have been a social player. I'm not very fond of grinding or keeping track of the numbers end of things, and when I first played this game as a kid I had the most fun when meeting new people and causing a ruckus (anyone remember the SolarSun and SolarSunElite debacles😭 me and CandyFun49 may or may not have started all that). I enjoy the team-based aspects of MMOs the most, the excitement of taking down bosses together or passing boring nights XP grinding with other people in the chat, so I am a bit sad about how lonely Rosmerta is in comparison to how it used to be, with the few players I do see being heroes who I don't want to annoy or inadvertently insult because they seem to be taking the game more seriously than I do (lvl 220s or above!! dang!! respect to you guys!!) so if any other people who enjoy just hanging out around Dal Riata and chatting wanna be friends feel free to message me :D! I'm willing to try out other worlds too if Rosmerta isn't your domain. Or at least, can someone just throw me into an active clan for once 😭

Nevertheless thank you for reading and I'm excited to be back and catch up!
(btw: if you knew me back when I was 10 on Celtic Heroes and remember something cringe-y I did
1. I most likely do not remember. Apologies
2. I was 10😭)

Re: Returning Player

Welcome back to Celtic heroes! Everyone seems to have fond childhood memories playing this game, it’s nice seeing them return:) Some tips on playing a mage, I’d use a 2:3 ratio of vitality/Focus stats as you level up, so you have plenty of survivability if you solo lix. Daily bounties are how you acquire those tokens needed for crafting mounts and pets (for a mage I’d recommend an Elk mount and Bunny pet!).

I haven’t played Rosmerta, but I think most servers appeal comes with how loot drops can be obtained through bossing, since that’s an important aspect of the game. Some dice for drops, others use point systems, and others use voting systems. Id recommend finding out what system you enjoy most if you plan for endgame goals, and discover what servers match those particulars you like:)

I’m sure all servers have their “regulars”, the groups of players who will log and play daily to socialize with. However, Epona is considered the most populated server of them all. It has its drawbacks, but if you’re mainly interested in being able to socialize with many players, Epona may be the way to go for you
AllDatJazz, 234 Druid ~ Chieftain of Pegasus ~ Lugh

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