Re: Hello All
#3Welcome to the forums
Level 92 after a week, nice job
Level 92 after a week, nice job

Game Designer at One Thumb Mobile
Re: Hello All
#5Only with the help of lixs, lux, and my clan. Also i started over presidents day weekend so i had no school monday and tuesday and i didnt have much i needed to do so i lvled my toon. Also the last saturday and sunday i did a lot of lvling.Welcome to the forums
Level 92 after a week, nice job
Devils Rogue in Gywdion!
Re: Hello All
#6I fell like you are student and Dexxa is teacher.... Anyway, welcome to the school of gaming... o_OOnly with the help of lixs, lux, and my clan. Also i started over presidents day weekend so i had no school monday and tuesday and i didnt have much i needed to do so i lvled my toon. Also the last saturday and sunday i did a lot of lvling.Welcome to the forums
Level 92 after a week, nice job