Re: Hi Yall
#2Welcome to the forums Toni!
It’s chaos, but it’s fun
It’s chaos, but it’s fun

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Mindreader ♥ Lethal Ninja (Doge Dandolo/Photon/Shazaam/Staboteur)
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Re: Hi Yall
#3Welcome to the forums! You joined at a great time 

Pizzazz 222 mage - Epona
Retired ♥
Eurydice 223 mage - Gwydion
Retired ♥
Eurydice 223 mage - Gwydion
Re: Hi Yall
#6Welcome to the forums! 

Nuada: Loony Toons
Retired Ex-Goat of Nuada DG Rogue
Lure Monkey - 221 mage and co.
Sulis: Toxic
Enlightenment - 226 full DG + BT helm DPS Druid and co.
They call me "Bright"
Retired Ex-Goat of Nuada DG Rogue
Lure Monkey - 221 mage and co.
Sulis: Toxic
Enlightenment - 226 full DG + BT helm DPS Druid and co.
They call me "Bright"
Re: Hi Yall
#8Well thank yall for the warm welcome. Bless everyone great game play, no lag and keyboards that work. 

Re: Hi Yall
#10Thank you!!!! Sorry been so long. I have been in game shock. Just watching youtubes and learning more about forms. Bless you Mulder.