Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Favourite Forum User!!

Tea's often provide common sense and good simple advice that evryon alway seems to overlook.

I also like DarkMarch  specially his pic
Thx, I take it down because I changed Clan :/
DarkMarch (lvl 116)
Warrior (Tank/DPS)
Clan: Advocate

Served 85 proud levels in TheOlympians clan.
Served 2 levels in Forbidden
Served 0 levels in Immortals

"Live long and Prosper" - BAZINGA

Re: Favourite Forum User!!

I like infinity with all his ideas to mKe CH a better game
Teaweasle is just awesome cause he made that druid update 3 thingy
Marshill to let us have fun with a comp and give the winner an awesome prize
Community for his quick replys on most big problems
And idk why but when i see a post written by aleph or last commented by aleph i read it... Idk that name makes me read it :lol:

*Druid 212

Re: Favourite Forum User!!

I like infinity with all his ideas to mKe CH a better game
Teaweasle is just awesome cause he made that druid update 3 thingy
Marshill to let us have fun with a comp and give the winner an awesome prize
Community for his quick replys on most big problems
And idk why but when i see a post written by aleph or last commented by aleph i read it... Idk that name makes me read it :lol:
Thanks Bro! Lol I try but rarely succeed haha :( :lol:

My favorites are:
Tea- he is a smart dude with allot of wisdom, he's very knowledgable about the game and he's pretty funny
Xell- she is super helpful and I can tell that she really cares about the community
Admin- cuz that gentleman lets me know sheeeeaaaaat
Nodnard- cuz that fool can rap like no other, I with he was my brother. I would share my mother. Haha..
Arwen- cuz she's arwen.. Duh..
Taeostine- you already know why... That fool was hilarious..

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