Hey it's not currently possible, and my main concern with this is that it would make it much harder to deal with things like recovering accounts being stolen after someone shares their password. What do you think?
Honestly, anyone that gets their account stolen has given out their username and password - isn't that against the rules of the game anyway? People have Email verification, they should use it. If they have more than 1 account - they should have more than 1 email.. I mean, an Email address isn't exactly hard to set up, and I don't think that is any reason for NOT allowing toons to be moved from 1 account to another.
I personally would love to be able to move all of my toons to different accounts. I am looking to get an iPhone to duel-log.. But when I was a noob, I foolishly payed for character slots, and now have a 145Rogue, 96Ranger (Meteoric Bow), 80 Warrior, 80Druid and a 65Mage, ALL on the same account - which to me.. Gives no point in having them.
A Nice Alternative -
A nice alternative, in which OTM would gain from it too - would be to have Accounts able to be logged into by 2 Devices at once. I'm sure this isn't possible right now, but it would be great if it was. OTM would still make money off character slots, and players would still be able to duel-log.
This is how it would work -
1st Device logs in.. Clicks on the toon (Rogue) they are going to play.
2nd Device logs in.. The rogue now has a Padlock in the top corner of the picture (Where the red X usually is).
The rogue is Inaccessible on the 2nd Device as the 1st Device is already on it. So the 2nd Device will choose the class they will want to play
- Much faster toon switching
- OTM still make money on character slots
- Noobs (like myself) that made multiple toons on the same account, would be able to duel-log. (I'm sure will create more plat purchases as people will have a reason to make alts, therefore need inventory space, and possibly hot bar slots.
- Nothing.
(IMHO, i would much rather have all toons on the same account, but have the account accessible on multiple devices, than have all my toons on completely different accounts all together).
Admin what do you think? Would that ever be possible to have accounts accessible by 2 devices at once? An answer would be great. Also what does everyone else think of this idea?
Any feedback welcome!