by Kasha
The one thing I want most? More CONSISTENT and HIGHER damage! This is coming from the mage that currently has, by far, the HIGHEST MAGE DAMAGE on ALL worlds. So rogues have the FASTEST damage, that’s great, wouldn't change a thing there. Mage damage is tolerable at its current speed but it should be much more consistent and much higher. (Why against a training dummy can I hit 2980 with shards and on the next training dummy only 1400? That is a very skilled training dummy indeed.) That way we both have an important niche to fill and we both have a chance to get the kill.
That is the think I want MOST, that can be done with a minimal amount of effort. However, there are many MANY other changes that need to be made.
I would also like to say before I continue below that I love this game and I think OTM has and continues to do an amazing job overall!
It seems like the original OTM vision for mages was a bit fuzzy but definitely dps oriented as stated in the tips - Great! However, it seems like the devs either lost sight of their original vision for mages or, it wasn't defined clearly enough to begin with. Thinking even more broadly, sometimes it feels like no one at OTM really has caster passion or truly, deeply delves into the nuances of castors in general. Is there a dev team focused on each class and taking a holistic approach looking at how the pro's of the castor classes, of which I have to say there are few at the moment, balance with the cons? Or are there dev's who have a passion and good understanding for melee damage being tasked with growing the castor classes as well.
I have to say that I agree with many of the comments regarding the imbalance when it comes to perks aimed at melee classes. I understand that giving mages and druids lux or special event items that help with casting by shortening resets or reducing energy costs or amplifying size of heal/damage, etc. is a game engine change...so do it all ready! It is absolutely not fair to give three fifths of the population such a huge perk as 30% attack haste, stacked with elixir haste, stacked with helm damage stacked with potential of plus 100's to every strike with a weapon from the summer event items while continuing to leave the remaining two thirds with nothing. It should have been called the melee event not the summer event!
Melee classes, please refrain from lecturing about how haste gloves, helms, summer armor, etc. will increase my attack with my toothpick. Please note that said toothpick does, at best 1% of my damage to the mob for reasons stated in prior posts. Would haste gloves be a good investment and perk for you if they only increased your potential damage by .3%? As a rogue/ranger/warrior would it feel good to get the message: You have killed a Aggragoth. Why shouldn't mages have the same shot, especially seeing as we are listed in the tips as DPS?
(Also, PvP is irrelevant at this point in the discussion. It is not as popular as originally intended and is, at best, a negligible part of the game content.)
Kasha 222 Mage - Full EDL
Sylk 215 Rogue
Saffrron 220 Druid
Wasabii 191 Ranger
Paprikash 140 Warrior
DL Crown drop rate is a horrible joke STILL!