Even better idea buy the horse at a basic cost like you suggest but then you can level it up or upgrade it over time
Example: buy a horse for 10k gold
This horse has basic stats and points, you then can pay to upgrade it at a vendor (horse trainer) could purchas skills,
Them your horse has hp and stuff just like you it can lvl up with you, if it dies it gives you the option to spend a idol to have it respawn next to you or respawn at laystone and wait for you there.
So basically it is lvls up and acts just like you when you started the game. And the stats from the horse can add to your own kind of deal
Re: Let's talk horse mounts
#11Zagic lvl 185 mage
Zhealer lvl 100 druid
Zrute lvl 94 warrior
Zologolas lvl 82 ranger
Zhief lvl 57 rouge
clan Wolfgang
world mabon
Zhealer lvl 100 druid
Zrute lvl 94 warrior
Zologolas lvl 82 ranger
Zhief lvl 57 rouge
clan Wolfgang
world mabon