by Teaweasel
I have no interest to rain on parades etc, but this is what will happen:
OTM will scan the chat logs of the toon/account you are claiming to have and if at any time in the chat your "alleged" account shares it's information out with anyone else..they will shut it down and most likely disable the account.
In the last two months since you have been gone OTM has completely revamped their policy on any shared accounts or passwords etc...and sharing an account makes you liable to an account ban.
You claim to have been "hacked," but it's well documented on these forums that this simply isn't true, the game doesn't get hacked..people lose their accounts by:
A) Picking a user name the same as their main toon and a password so stupid it could be guessed by anyone with enough time to do so.
B) signing up at a "free plat" website where you log in yer account info and then get yer account hijacked and liquidated.
C) Giving a friend or another your password at any time in the past. You take yer break and then they swoop in and take yer stuff,
All I am trying to do is inform you of the new policiies, and the new way they handle this. They very well may investigate it, but if they comb thru chat logs and see yer lying then the account will be permenantly disabled. I am sorry to say,
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon,
On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself