All of my points on tanks are to help the group. All. Taunt and Warcry are the only crowd control skills in the game and pure support. While soloing those, and to a lesser extent are useless. Bash has to be maxed. Taunt and Cry need a goodly amount of points if you dont want chaos. Tanks are a support class if thought about from the very common single dps toon as the only 'non support' class. My (neglected) rogue has max smoke and is h2h for interrupts.
From a grouping point of view all dps is just support as well. They cannot survive and kill bosses. They cannot survive multiple mobs. They can kill one mob at a time within a couple of levels of their own, maybe up to 3 stars. Woo hoo... My tank and Druid can survive many bosses, but not kill them in any reasonable amount of time. Add a Mage and they can. Add rogue/ranger and the mobs die quick ish. The whole 'support' conversation, as it is, is a red herring, IMO.
Q F T !
All valid points. In MMOs, all classes are technically "support," designed to complement the strengths/weaknesses of other group members. At the same time, we can all wish to be stonger at something that another class is better at (Mages want more dps, Rangers want spear skills, Rogues want throwing daggers, etc.). Yet we still we are left to evaluate the skills available to us and learn to play within the parameters provided.
The part I got hung up on is the a fact that a Mage can acknowlege that they are lacking offensive skills, yet still refuse to consider casting cloak on a warrior, or casting a pierce lure that multiplies the damage dealt when grouped with a couple rangers or rogues.
Mages in fact are quite versatile. The dilemma is that a single Mage cannot possibly provide all the benefits available to them. Thus the value of grouping. It benefits a group/clan to have a Mage that specializes in say Fire and Pierce lures, where another may specialize in Ice and Slash lures. Just like it benefits a group/clan to have different Rogues with different maxed skills like Smoke, Rend, and Poison... otherwise they all just overlay and cancel each others' spells.
Any more brain busters?
Explain to me how you're going to tank and fireball and firestorm the Lavalord to death?