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The nerfed rogues.

Hi guys i am playing alrady over a year now on my rogue and sinse then we only got nerfed...
First of all the off handed weapons are supposed to be rogues? Why does all the classes get them...
Our dmg has been nerfed nerfed and again nerfed.. A warrior with sword and 150 str got higher dmg then i do with diamond dagger / 305 str / golden bloodlust how is this supposed to be fair?
Mages lvl 105 owning brown threes without getting harmed i almost die when i try to kill a 2 star brown three.
Rangers got a skill to speed up there attack speed why? rogues are supposed to be the fastest hitters in game so why dont we get that skil?
Skill hits getting lesser when i upgraded them...
Warriors with 150 str fast sword and ice blade alot of vit and use protective stand out dps rogue.
AeO to hard vs dps rogues at bosses they need to hit lower.
When the regen off hands came out none for rogue until the admin came to our world and i asked why there arent rogues regen off hand then they made it weird isnt it?
hide useless if you have camo charm

We need a buff up like better dmg or so but something to make rogues more specific again cause everything that where rogues once is warrior now...
some of you might not agreed i get that but i have seen it all...
Fighter, rogue
Clan: Anarchy

Proud owner of epona's first doch gul bp :D

Re: The nerfed rogues.

after the update, we got nerfed for sure, but before the update we were definitely overpowered, i would say that rogues are back to where we should be now,

we out dps warriors in boss fights because of our speed we do more damage over time (btw meteoric dagger is better than diamond because it is so much faster)

to solo level u will need 2000 vitality about, which is fair considering pre update 500 vitality was enough (as i said we were rather OP)
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: The nerfed rogues.

1.Rogues attack super fast. They mathimatically have a higher dps
3.Mages have energy shield to make up for their low armor
4.Rapid Shot works better for rangers because it makes sense
6.All classes have useless skills such as frenzy, energy well, and play dead

I would also like to tell you to STFU :)
Comprehending this all?
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

Re: The nerfed rogues.

Well you didnt have to be so mean about it on the internet....
But still we might have the fastest dmg but why would all the other classes get buffs from the start and we nerf?
At the very first start of game rogues where very op so we got a nerf that where ok but we got nerfs over and over again
First rangers get same armor higher dmg better skills
Warrior dps very good with protective stanse owning all in path
Mage beating the crap out of much higher lvl mobs only energy regen is a pain
Druids incredible heal / heal themselves inside battle
Rogue Stupid new skils play dead.... Assassinta is a bit good only the 30% is stupid Smoke bomb good with alot of skill points in it only doesnt stay long. Hide useless sinse camo charm and eyes who see through. Diamond dagger higher dmg then frozen one but frozen better speed / bane of crom why not bit more dmg like all the other classes doe. Why would the threes have so high resist that i hit alot harder on golems 10 lvls higher then me thats just stupid..
We suck at pvp vs all classes exept druid if they cant heal, Rangers just bolas over and over again with ligh heal warriors high healt dmg armor skill dmg normal dmg kills rogue easily mage spell dmg just ko rogues somethimes

And dont go hard on me lol just my opion,
and if its about my build i got almost full lux / scavenger items 305 str 55 dex 10 focus 260 str or so if i correct havent played for 2 days now got around 1.8k health right now 634 dmg enough energy.

So if my build is wrong say how it should be i am at lvl 115 now.
Fighter, rogue
Clan: Anarchy

Proud owner of epona's first doch gul bp :D

Re: The nerfed rogues.

Obviously you have not actualy read my comment. Dps and damage are two different things, socrangers hitting harder is not a good defense for your complaint.

You have the ability to out dps a ranger 5 levels higher than you, so I would say your in a bad position in this arguement. And yes your build is great!

Warriors, warriors, warriors... What can I say? They have better armor than rogues? Yeah they do, not gonna lie. But warriors with high dps are better than rogues? I think that's a joke. Take a warrior and strip him of his defensive gear and replace them with dps gear. Now what do you have? A slow attacking rogue. I know it isn't what your saying but let that be an example of an arguement I would defend.

Your opinion is fine but Your so damn ignorant and that's my opinion. I can argue otherwise with all you have said.
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

Re: The nerfed rogues.

Hi guys i am playing alrady over a year now on my rogue and sinse then we only got nerfed...
First of all the off handed weapons are supposed to be rogues? Why does all the classes get them...
Our dmg has been nerfed nerfed and again nerfed.. A warrior with sword and 150 str got higher dmg then i do with diamond dagger / 305 str / golden bloodlust how is this supposed to be fair?
Mages lvl 105 owning brown threes without getting harmed i almost die when i try to kill a 2 star brown three.
Rangers got a skill to speed up there attack speed why? rogues are supposed to be the fastest hitters in game so why dont we get that skil?
Skill hits getting lesser when i upgraded them...
Warriors with 150 str fast sword and ice blade alot of vit and use protective stand out dps rogue.
AeO to hard vs dps rogues at bosses they need to hit lower.
When the regen off hands came out none for rogue until the admin came to our world and i asked why there arent rogues regen off hand then they made it weird isnt it?
hide useless if you have camo charm

We need a buff up like better dmg or so but something to make rogues more specific again cause everything that where rogues once is warrior now...
some of you might not agreed i get that but i have seen it all...
omg people complaining about rouges now!!!
wtf has life become...
rouges are by far the best dps class in the game and rouges are not made for pvp and they can still beat lots of classes(warrior, druid, ranger(withoutbolas)
so i dont see why the f*** u are complaining and if u wanna lvl get a *** druid to help!!!
if u wanna complain go to the mage section
181 Druid
166 Rouge

Veteran CH Player, playing since December 2011.
Proud owner of a white coven

Proud Member of Aeon
"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet"
There is no sweet fruit for CH...

Re: The nerfed rogues.

Here's my opinion, take it or leave it....

I agree that once you have to level in OW, a DPS rogue becomes one of the hardest classes to solo level. Many rogues I know have gone to more of a tankish build to make up for this (as some have recommended, 2000 health.) From what I have seen, this is very slow work because you have nerfed your own DPS in favor of staying alive longer. You may accomplish your goal by doing this, but even if you have bandage wounds maxed you will stand around for 3 or 4 cycles before you are healed up again.

I think the changes that have been made are designed to encourage a grouping environment among players. Granted, rangers especially have the ability to solo level quite well, but for the most part, all of the classes have advantages that others don't.

Just an example, our clan sets up leveling groups much like boss fights:

1. A tank to pull aggro on multiple mobs
2. A druid or two for heals and wards
3. A mage to keep the tank cloaked and throw lures on the mobs
4. Rangers and rogues to whack em and stack em :D :lol: ;)

Depending on your situation, you may not have the ability to level with a full group all the time. If this is the case, grab a druid to help you where you are weak and take advantage of your awesome DPS... and yes, I do still hold that rogues are in general the best DPS in the game. This game is an MMO.
M standing for multiplayer (correct me if I'm wrong :) .) OTM has purposefully built each class with pros and cons, making it easier to work together.

You will be much more effective as a rogue using your DPS in an effective group and not complaining about being nerfed.... Just sayin.. :lol: Rogues were one of the easiest classes to solo level before because we were OP, I'll be the first to admit :) I think OTM has done a wonderful job of balancing classes without making them out of the same mold.

I am also terrible at PvP... not a rogue's world IMO. That doesn't mean that we have been nerfed beyond all compare, it means our advantages lie in other areas. Feel free to agree or disagree with anything I have said ;)
Chopsaw- 135+ rogue
General of Serenity

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