Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

$10 of plat (150) never credited 6 hours after purchase

I purchased 150 plat via $9.99 iTunes credit, but for about 60 seconds after it showed still 0 plat in my item shop

It then disconnected me from game, I check AppStore, sure enough, I have $10 less credit, but when I click continue it says unable to connect. When I click log in, it will log in to any surver, but the character slots are blank, and I'm unable to both log in and create new characters. It's been like this for about 45 minutes as of now

Edit- I even tryed reinstalling app, and logging into different account, same problem

2nd Edit- 5 hours later I am able to log on, but still have 0 plat, wtf??

3rd Edit- as I started app, it asks for my apple ID confermation, I figure "oh great!! My plat is just waiting on a second comfirmation" but I type it in, and now it won't let me log in again! The exact same logging in problem as before. If I end up having to restore my device to this plat purchase, I may just quit game altogether (I've spent a total of around $82, and that's a lot for a game of this quality, onethumbmobile is lucky I love my clan enough to keep playing)
hatoyo- lvl 130 Rogue- Rhiannon
hat0y0- lvl 83 Druid- Rhiannon
Bluejay- lvl 68 warrior- Rhiannon
Banshee- lvl 51 ranger- Rhiannon
(name withheld)- lvl 46 Mage- Top-Secret

Re: $10 of plat (150) never credited 6 hours after purchase

I have had this problem too.But mine was a $50 app purchase.This happened to me a while back like 3 or 4 weeks ago.All i did was send a in game support ticket.A about 2 days later the support team responded to me.It said we have fix your problem And you should receive your plat in about 2 days.Sorry about this.I have yet not receive my plat but i chose not to bicker and just wait.I had only one problem since this has happened.I have had major lag.I would get kick of server every 5 min and this is very frustrating especially during bosses.I hope admin or support team can do something about this.Thanks.
Help me get a gift-apple for my little sister!
http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... =5&t=25734

Re: $10 of plat (150) never credited 6 hours after purchase

Hi there,

This sounds like a connection issue to me.

Please try using a different WiFi connection to the one you normally use. It sounds as though the Platinum transaction is having issues completing.

If you use a different connection, the transaction should be able to complete and you'll be able to play.

Please make sure you connect using the same device that you bought the Platinum on, as the transaction has to be completed on this device.
Terms of Service, Policies and Procedures: http://celtic-heroes.com/support/

Re: $10 of plat (150) never credited 6 hours after purchase

Hey admin i did what you said.I downloaded the game twice using my WiFi and neighbors WiFi.It hasent yet worked but when i opened the game it asked me to type my itunes password but when i rushed to log on i still had 0 platinum.I understand this is a glitch and i understand it will take some time to be fixed.But in the mean time ill just wait.
Help me get a gift-apple for my little sister!
http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... =5&t=25734

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