Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: The nerfed rogues.

actually 2k hp isnt tankish... once youre above 350 strength it plateaus meaning for every 5-6 pts of strength you only get 1 damage, so the points are more useful in vit or dex (imo)
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: The nerfed rogues.

U R right rogues have best dps by far! But what happens when lock system comes out? We would be a useless class seriously... We do need more damage or some better boss fight skills before the rogue class becomes extinct cause it could. Why would u have a rogue in group when u could have a ranger which can bolas heal and do almost as much dps. We make kills faster but what's the point if ks fights don't exsist?
Brookie1 lvl 172+ rogue rosmerta. Best damn rogue ever! Clan awakening

Re: The nerfed rogues.

U R right rogues have best dps by far! But what happens when lock system comes out? We would be a useless class seriously... We do need more damage or some better boss fight skills before the rogue class becomes extinct cause it could. Why would u have a rogue in group when u could have a ranger which can bolas heal and do almost as much dps. We make kills faster but what's the point if ks fights don't exsist?
Really? Your point if view is that rogues only utility is KSing?

Re: The nerfed rogues.

Rogues were the best class for a long time. I get everyone's point of view, rogues have had their time to shine and they were shining way too brightly. But wouldn't it be nice to be able to solo a little, or maybe not get destroyed in pvp?
Good job celtic heroes!

Re: The nerfed rogues.

the only class that can solo without pots is ranger, maybe druids

we are still top dps, and we can be great at pvp it just requires an abysmal build for anything else
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: The nerfed rogues.

Caliban instead of just saying I am wrong. Please post something which has other suggestions on what rogues are good at? As we are top dps but dps is only needed for ks battles... Mainly. If lock system comes into play rogues would be the most useless boss class in the game... This is a fact mages can lure fire cloak and that Druid heal and great defensive buffs rangers heal and great support skills warrior massive armour and an tank the boss rogues dps but if dps comes useless (which it would cause why dps when u can have another Druid) then rogues have nothing to offer.
Brookie1 lvl 172+ rogue rosmerta. Best damn rogue ever! Clan awakening

Re: The nerfed rogues.

Why have a rogue who can do A mob in 5 mins when u can have a ranger take an extra 30 secs have less idols and pots used have a possible 700+! Heal and the best skill in game on the mob bolas! I mean come on open ur eyes :/
Brookie1 lvl 172+ rogue rosmerta. Best damn rogue ever! Clan awakening

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