Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Sleepy Train Guy

Anyone who was in OW on Thursday evening USA times knows that I watched a guy on my train ride home from work fall so deeply asleep that he fell out of his chair. It was the funniest thing I have seen in years and I had to share. Unfortunately I didn't get a video but Lupa and Veronia...This picture's for you!!!!

Bah, board attachment quota has been reached? So it won't let me upload! I really do have a picture of the poor soul. :?

ADMIN - please help...can you increase the attachment quota for the board or give us an alternative option?
Kasha 222 Mage - Full EDL
Sylk 215 Rogue
Saffrron 220 Druid
Wasabii 191 Ranger
Paprikash 140 Warrior
DL Crown drop rate is a horrible joke STILL!

Re: Sleepy Train Guy

YAY board not full anymore - Sleepy train guy attached.
SleepyTrainGuy.jpg (152.39 KiB) Viewed 1880 times
Kasha 222 Mage - Full EDL
Sylk 215 Rogue
Saffrron 220 Druid
Wasabii 191 Ranger
Paprikash 140 Warrior
DL Crown drop rate is a horrible joke STILL!

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