What happened to my knucks?
#1This might be a little late, but I’ve been playing my alt a lot recently. What happened to my diamond knuckles? I am pretty sure, when I bought them they were crush damage, which was awesome for a rogue since I didn't have any option other than pierce before. The issue I am having is now they are pierce damage... I was wondering why you changed their damage after they were released. I also think if we are talking about knuckle blades I think about brass knuckles. In my opinion that is crushing. If someone wanted piercing damage on knuckle blades they could of bought quartz knucks just like I did. Which brings me to the next part of my post. I would like a refund for my quartz knucks since I bought them just for their piercing damage (Acct GreenBigg on Morrigan). Please don’t release items just to change them, that really messes up what people buy. Just because you can change items really doesn't give you the right to. If i had a cell phone with unlimited minutes and then the company changed it to unlimited texts without my permission I would have some serious issues. I am sure you would too, just because this is a game that does not make that any difference. Also warriors have slash, pierce and crush damage, why should rogues only have pierce damage main hand weapons?