I didn't say you were 'wrong'. I just find this a kind of sad and limited interpretation of the class.
I don't know any rogues who KS. Not one. I know 'of' one who supposedly KSd, but i don't actually directly have any experience of this whatsoever. I notice that they do not consider their class a waste.
When leveling or bossing I consider rogues one of the most valuable part of the team.
That said, I think it would be interesting if rogues had another form of buff or de-buff. I have thought that it would be cool if they had a skill that effected mob skill in the same way Enduring Stance does. I think Smoke only effects defense.
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#22Ur right rogues are great for now. I have one myself 146 paver 1150 damage. But this is great when we in ks fight but otherwise why would they need me? I cant do anything a warrior or ranger can't do. I might make kill go 1 min faster then ranger can but still not worth it if u can't lose the kill. This is not a dog on rogues but in all seriousness I full vit warrior can kill aragorth solo with 7 Druids if locking comes into play(maybe not now but soon enough) it may take a day bit it could happen :/
Brookie1 lvl 172+ rogue rosmerta. Best damn rogue ever! Clan awakening
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#23Depends on how target lock is implemented. We don't know yet. If it is a first hit lock, I agree this will get abused. If it is a combo of aggro and dps this will be fair and you will have to adjust your play style.

Re: The nerfed rogues.
#24Ok, I have a slightly different point to make. So recently, I've been trying to lvl my lvl 102 rogue, and as I spent hundreds of thousands of gold on elixirs and such, my ranger buddies are solo leveling the samestuff I am, at ->LVL 90<-!!! They jump about 30 lvls ahead, while I stick around lvl 100 for the next few weeks. (-_-)
The problem here is that, rogues have been needed to the point where they have no pros except DPSing at boss fights. Even while killin bosses I find my damage unpleasurable as my lvl 90 ranger buddies are hitting just as hard (damage per second) with half the strength, healing themselves, and speedy attacks that take half the time that I do. They really just fked all rogues over. I find myself duelling a lvl 94 ranger with full quartz, no regens, and no heroics or a quiver, and they're kicking my rear end, even though I have 644 damage, 1735 health, heroic gloves and boots, diamond chest and legs, heroic amulet of rejuvenation, golden dagger of venom, a diamond dagger, and a maxed quick strike and sneaky attack. It just bugs me by all the nerds we've gotten compared to all of the other classes who got buffs, and destroy. A ranger can simply bolas, rapid shot, light heal, and destroy any rogue. A Druid can use the equivalent skill of earthen bonds, embrace and use shield of bark, and spam storm touch and natures touch. A warrior can simply use protective stance, then the physical resistance skill, then spam their pummel and giant swing. Mages can just easy max out energy shield, ice lure, and ice shards. Kills me in about 5 seconds... Even if I do beat someone, it's most likely someone 5-20 levels below me, and they have bad armor.
The problem here is that, rogues have been needed to the point where they have no pros except DPSing at boss fights. Even while killin bosses I find my damage unpleasurable as my lvl 90 ranger buddies are hitting just as hard (damage per second) with half the strength, healing themselves, and speedy attacks that take half the time that I do. They really just fked all rogues over. I find myself duelling a lvl 94 ranger with full quartz, no regens, and no heroics or a quiver, and they're kicking my rear end, even though I have 644 damage, 1735 health, heroic gloves and boots, diamond chest and legs, heroic amulet of rejuvenation, golden dagger of venom, a diamond dagger, and a maxed quick strike and sneaky attack. It just bugs me by all the nerds we've gotten compared to all of the other classes who got buffs, and destroy. A ranger can simply bolas, rapid shot, light heal, and destroy any rogue. A Druid can use the equivalent skill of earthen bonds, embrace and use shield of bark, and spam storm touch and natures touch. A warrior can simply use protective stance, then the physical resistance skill, then spam their pummel and giant swing. Mages can just easy max out energy shield, ice lure, and ice shards. Kills me in about 5 seconds... Even if I do beat someone, it's most likely someone 5-20 levels below me, and they have bad armor.
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#25rogues suck at pvp, deal with it
rangers and druids are the only classes who can solo without potions to restore health, if rangers that much lower than you outhit you then your build is not all that good... rogues are awesome, we are still top tier dps, and are fun to play, its just harder than before as we were OP before and did get overnerfed but we are where we should be now (dont worry about rangers they are easily the best balanced and slightly OP class in the game)

pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#26Actualy, rogues are amazing in pvp if set up properly. Its just that a pvp build isnt practical for any other situation.
They have less armor than warriors but they attack fast enough to make up for that loss. Fast reflexes is a rogue's equivilant to a warrior's protective stance. Smoke bomb will assure you hit and poison weapon is D-E-A-D-L-Y, deadly! I have lost to a couple rogues before, not expecting their lethality in pvp, and that was when people cried over rogues in pvp.
Just because a dpa build sucks in pvp, it doesn't mean the class sucks in pvp
They have less armor than warriors but they attack fast enough to make up for that loss. Fast reflexes is a rogue's equivilant to a warrior's protective stance. Smoke bomb will assure you hit and poison weapon is D-E-A-D-L-Y, deadly! I have lost to a couple rogues before, not expecting their lethality in pvp, and that was when people cried over rogues in pvp.
Just because a dpa build sucks in pvp, it doesn't mean the class sucks in pvp

SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)
(Returning Player)
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#27thats true, but a pvp build isnt practical for rogues 
that said, we are not a ruined class

that said, we are not a ruined class
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#28We are far from ruined, you just have to play around with your stats/skills a bit to find out what works best FOR YOU.that said, we are not a ruined class
Kiyarah - 222
PiercingHeart - 193
Kiystroyer - 139
Hexi - 137
Alleviate - 135
Kiyarah - 222
PiercingHeart - 193
Kiystroyer - 139
Hexi - 137
Alleviate - 135
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#29I knowthats true, but a pvp build isnt practical for rogues
that said, we are not a ruined class

Its just that a pvp build isnt practical for any other situation.
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)
(Returning Player)
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#30We need to be buffed up again for sure. I get that there is supposed to be a class thing but the classes are so unequal! Warriors get all the armor weapons and raw power. What do we get? We attack fast but our armor might as well be made of paper. I can't even get to the trees let alone kill one and a warrior 5 lvls lower than me was soloing a 3 star tree when I was fighting a boss in a group. How is that fair? We are players just like everyone else. We need to get some armor increase and damage as well.