Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Celtics hero is a scam

I work my but off and after not login in for two days all items and money gone what does support do? Don't trade items or share password. Why would I complain if I authorize this?? I want my things back or I will not stop complaining . This is not the first time and I will not let it slide again I promise. All I want is all my things back even from the first incident please I want to go back to playing. I was doing so good almost making it to the other world
Lvl 48
Clan TopNotch

Re: Celtics hero is a scam

If an item has been dropped or accidentally sold to a vendor, the Support Team are able to restore these items. However, if an item has been traded then these items are unable to be restored as all trades are the responsibility of the users involved.

If you believe you did not trade these items yourself, then I would suggest changing your password to one that is at least 8 characters long, contains a mixture of letters and numbers, and is not related to any of your characters or username. The only way someone can gain access to your account is if you share your details or if you have an easy to guess password.

As per our policies, you are responsible for your account security and for all actions that occur on the account. This includes any trades that occur on the account. I'm sorry but if the items were traded the Support Team are unable to restore them.
Terms of Service, Policies and Procedures: http://celtic-heroes.com/support/

Re: Celtics hero is a scam

It was not traded I had not log in in two days and it's not the first time it happens I change my password twice !! You are not providing solutions or realistic advice I change my password and it was not an easy password my log in name is in a different language and hard to spell how can someone guess that? Can't your check that ? That I had not log in two days?? How come it's happening to everyone else around me??
Lvl 48
Clan TopNotch

Re: Celtics hero is a scam

i agree the same thin happend to me i loged on and all my stuff and my toons were deleted they got my toons back but all my stuff was gone they told me they would look in to it that was 2 months ago i had nice stuff since i have 2 60s but i think your right they doint help with grting stuff back

Re: Celtics hero is a scam

It was not traded I had not log in in two days and it's not the first time it happens I change my password twice !! You are not providing solutions or realistic advice I change my password and it was not an easy password my log in name is in a different language and hard to spell how can someone guess that? Can't your check that ? That I had not log in two days?? How come it's happening to everyone else around me??

Everytime someone posts a post like this they investigate it, and everytime it turns out the rager whisper'd someone their account info and password.

If you are the one exception to this rule, so be it. That sucks, but very few people are led to believe you because the raw amount of people who say everything yer saying and then it all turns out to be a lie. So the community, or Community the Admin, cares, we are all just conditioned toward the opposite by a slew of childish unaccountable liars who won't fess up for their mistakes and blame everyone else.

They have a right to be suspicious of your claim since it could be a scammer who is posting this trying to unlock a real player's account who is on vacation or something. Let them investigate thoroughly and see what they say, because if yer IP doesn't at all match the former user's IP that could be a red flag. Or if it does, that could validate you.

I would just search your emails for the changed password and be sure you are typing it in correctly. Sometimes our keyboards Capitolize things incorrectly and it screws up the case-senstivity of passwords.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Celtics hero is a scam

This is from your other thread:
My own fiancé plays the game and not even he could guess password ...
The sentence is a bit ambiguous. Do you mean he tried and was unable to guess? or Do you mean that he couldn't guess even if he tried?

Either way, it is entirely possible that you inadvertently gave him hints as to what your passport was. He probably knows what you like, he knows what language you can speak etc. Or he could have just picked up your device and logged in.

If you didn't give out your password in game, didn't put your information into a "free plat" website, and you say the password is difficult to guess, AND support is telling you that the items were traded... well you need to start looking around for people who would be able to guess/use your password.

Is your login and password saved on the device? (Meaning that anyone who picked up your phone could log in without needing to know the password) If so...

Not trying to imply anything... but I will say that it is the first place I would start. At least to rule him out. Does he suddenly have wicked gear? Is he reluctant to show you his screen?

Edit: Took a look through some posts, and I see your boyfriend is also complaining about lost items... all I can say is that it seems a bit fishy that two RL connected people are complaining about the same mysterious problem. You two aren't in some "prank war" with each other, are you?

It also seems suspicious that he claimed to lose his items, and listed your name. In another post, he says you are his girlfriend. He also said that the items were traded from a main to an alt. In yet another thread, he lists Nightryder as his account... which is it? Main to alt? BF to GF?

I chalk this up to some form of dishonesty.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

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