Omfg. How in the world is Rebelz No.1? Surely there's something wrong. Probably so many people. Anyways I just gave an anc great maul for free and sold super combo expire 5k to clan! Then they scamm me. I mean Ive been in Rebelz for a 2 and a half months! Omfg! And when I join Masmar they beg to join so I do. Then we do some bosses like iron spike and redbane
I crash then they inv a lv 46 in the group. Then happens again with lv 34!!! And they say I'll get the drop since I'm not in drop. Then the noobs who got the drops are like ill sell the rems for 5k wtf?!
I'm so NOT joining back if the clan is still like this. At least Readys clan is not like that..
Please don't join.
Theres nothing wrong with Masmar or Guardian.
Current clan:Guardian
Last clan: Rebelz
Rebels failing/getting better?
Last edited by SloshyAKACookieMan on Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.