A few things:
Death, thanks alot for posting al these pictures!
Admin, thanks for replying that much!
Now i'm pretty dissapointed with a few things like the price on this equipment.. Its so high that it would take a incredable amount of time to harvest that much money.. Also the fact that they are not class based dissapoints me to be honest.. The fact that (warriors), rogues, ranger and mages all could run around with a typical warrior weapon is pretty.. Akward.. I think that the classes are very nicely balanced (not mentioning druid-its a whole different experience). I like to see each class has its own specific charactaristics, as so, also its own weapons, skills, ARMOR, ect.
Yes i agree that there needs to be a solution for the druid but please keep the equipment spread out over the classes as much as possible please(Exept for minsc ofcourse). I know that ch is a free game and u still need to be financed but i think that the item shop is gonna be a "must" now. I dont have a problem with spending a few in a while but i hope this isnt going to be a game where the rule:"who spends the most is the best" is dominating.
Anyway, thanks alot for the updates and good luck!
Greetz from holland