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Need a caracter transfer

Hi im perseu rogue 142 from belenus and i have builded my druid on same account hyperion 112 and i cannot train my rogue and druid bwith two devicec i have no more reason to buy more platinium and spend it without separating my caracters , thanks for understanding.
"I'm an angel, the horns are just there to keep the halo straight. - Perseu.''

Re: Need a caracter transfer

Sorry Ardalan but Community/ admin has made t clear...no charechter transfer. Think... if i saw a lvl 146 running around i could always go, " hey transfer this lvl 140 to my account". its about factual info. and right now OTM is not able to do charechter transfers right now. ( Maybe in a later update?)
Bloodwulfe; 190 Ranger
Melsa: 120 Warrior
Vethra: 170 Druid
Padfoot: 165 Mage

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