I am easily able to solo 4 star ghosts above my level (124 when I'm 122) dual shielding it with this build. I was on super combo but with the margin of victory I'm sure I could have done it without.
Are you still liking this build or have you got a book of alt out yet? I'm slowly getting some pieces together to go this route as soon as I get my offhand. Trying to find or buy the rings and/or bracelets to enhance the build are like pulling teeth. A +3 heat damage necklace is all I have so far.
I definatley am. I am using the most recent build I posted in the reply's.
Heres why: I can solo as well if not better than my traditional build.
I have more extra skill points for support skills.
I can tank better.
I can talk while bieng on auto attack.
Super combo elixers actually are useful now.
ect. I don't see any downside as long as you have some decent gear like I listed
Look for a solstice necklace. also save for the fire blade and the fire helm.
The blade and helm are in my near future. As far as solstice items, I haven't found anybody that has or is willing to part with them on Rhiannon. I will keep looking tho.
I am thinking about how my build will look once I get a few needed pieces. I'm thinking with melee playing a large role I will probably do the following.
Lure of fire
Cloak of fire
Lure of ice
Ice shards?
Energy shield
I have no other lures at my disposal yet. I'm thinking with the helm, offhand, and gloves I have no reason to cast bolt as the melee damage would exceed the damage caused(factoring in the cooldown) and allow me to put those points into maxing shards. Then, later on down the line, I can invest into ice damage gear for when the need arises to fight a fire immune mob.
What are your thoughts on this Marco?