And yet here I go again, Argos, and Blaze I personally favor out of Golgotha. Rhyjsm is cool too. But still, over the time that Golgotha has been ran by Skullcrusher; ksing has dignified this clan as an enemy clan. This why Avalon, Marath, and various lesser clans hate Golgotha. The people in it, have nothing to do with what marked you guys as the corrupt. Its your crumbling communist methods that mutated from good to corrupt that resulted you into this evil clan. Dont get me wrong, I respect you all for getting frozen gear. But seriously, the ksing is all you need to change, your wealthy enough. Leave bosses for others.
lol learn what communism means before you go whining your head off
And as for the ks'ing, we started that when y'all started to ks us. If I remember correctly we dealt with being ks'ed for around a month before we started. So umm learn what your talking about before you decide to comment. You haven't even been in the game pre-update (lol) and your commenting as though you understand everything that's happened on this server. Here's a tip, stop getting yourself involved in things you don't fully comprehend.