rogues were waaaay too overpowered when the game came out( to anyone who didn't know.). They were even stronger than in the stonevale update. Level 40 rogues were dealing 1000+ damage with sneak attack. Sneak attack was nerfed, the damage was a little stronger than where it is now, but not very overpowered. Quick strike was introduced. Quick strike practically had no cool down. If you had enough sigils, you could kill mob after mob nonstop. The cool down for quick strike was increased by a lot.
If anyone was lucky enough to get the cruel rondel....... Well, with the bug the offhand pierce damage was 68. With mine I was hitting 250+ per hit at level 50. Normal attacks were at 40-70. This bug was in the game for two weeks, but you could only get the cruel rondel in the first 2 days. The bug was fixed.
I only got to level 80 in stonevale( account was hacked during halloween event. I quit the game till recently), so am not really certain what was overpowered about them then.
I understand we deserved all of the nerfing done to us. Rogues are the funnest class still.
There are only two classes unable to solo till 115( where all classes need to group level.), Rogue and mage. Rogues are a nice class, but they are not a great class. I think this can probably be fixed with a set bonus to dodging. I'm not asking for armor increase, bonus damage, or super skill. I think this is a reasonable request.
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#32I don't get all this nonsense about rogues not being able to solo level. I'm 121 and I still level faster alone than with any partner (yes, even faster than with a druid).
I must admit that I'm screwed when i hit 125 because golems are a *** but I have had absolutely no problems up to now.
edit: i'm not actually screwed, as long as I stay away from 3*+ I'll be fine.
I must admit that I'm screwed when i hit 125 because golems are a *** but I have had absolutely no problems up to now.
edit: i'm not actually screwed, as long as I stay away from 3*+ I'll be fine.
Kiyarah - 222
PiercingHeart - 193
Kiystroyer - 139
Hexi - 137
Alleviate - 135
Kiyarah - 222
PiercingHeart - 193
Kiystroyer - 139
Hexi - 137
Alleviate - 135
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#33Idk bout everyone else but solo lvling its not hard for me cuz im a tank...well I hit low sometimes cuz im not a dps and im a major "pothead" as some say
, but I dont die as much as some rogues I suppose. I was a great at pvp when I was lvl 70ish to 90 I think, then I f***ed up my stats :| . Pvp is easy if ur stats are good. I never played rogue as main so idk how they got "nefed". My main was a ranger, so I think rangers did after the update at first well and druid for sure did. Some skills r wack though assassinate gets evaded way too often, hide is usless, fast reflex is good i guess never use much, play dead is tad bit lame for what its meant for but is funny to use and yes rend seems to be a ripe off at times its good though. Rogues over all to me thought r a good class. 

World:Belenus/Rhiannon Clan:N/A Rank:N/A
Experience the Rainbow, Taste the Rainbow. Skittles!
World:Belenus/Rhiannon Clan:N/A Rank:N/A
Experience the Rainbow, Taste the Rainbow. Skittles!
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#34hahahhaha, i remember when rogues did that! and with the last hit gets the kill rule rogues were godly overpowered, if u think rogues are good ksers now you should have seen it back in dustyrogues were waaaay too overpowered when the game came out( to anyone who didn't know.). They were even stronger than in the stonevale update. Level 40 rogues were dealing 1000+ damage with sneak attack. Sneak attack was nerfed, the damage was a little stronger than where it is now, but not very overpowered. Quick strike was introduced. Quick strike practically had no cool down. If you had enough sigils, you could kill mob after mob nonstop. The cool down for quick strike was increased by a lot.
If anyone was lucky enough to get the cruel rondel....... Well, with the bug the offhand pierce damage was 68. With mine I was hitting 250+ per hit at level 50. Normal attacks were at 40-70. This bug was in the game for two weeks, but you could only get the cruel rondel in the first 2 days. The bug was fixed.
I only got to level 80 in stonevale( account was hacked during halloween event. I quit the game till recently), so am not really certain what was overpowered about them then.
I understand we deserved all of the nerfing done to us. Rogues are the funnest class still.
There are only two classes unable to solo till 115( where all classes need to group level.), Rogue and mage. Rogues are a nice class, but they are not a great class. I think this can probably be fixed with a set bonus to dodging. I'm not asking for armor increase, bonus damage, or super skill. I think this is a reasonable request.

Warrior: LoneWolf lvl 90+
Druid: ZaDocta lvl 63+
Rogue: AzuraBlade lvl 70+
Celtic heroes Youtuber : Check out my channel ZaDocta2299
Oldest warrior on Danu server
Beat reap by 1 Minute haha 
Legion runs through my blood
Druid: ZaDocta lvl 63+
Rogue: AzuraBlade lvl 70+
Celtic heroes Youtuber : Check out my channel ZaDocta2299
Oldest warrior on Danu server

Legion runs through my blood
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#35*cheering*1.Rogues attack super fast. They mathimatically have a higher dps
3.Mages have energy shield to make up for their low armor
4.Rapid Shot works better for rangers because it makes sense
6.All classes have useless skills such as frenzy, energy well, and play dead
I would also like to tell you to STFU![]()
Comprehending this all?
Lv 130 active rogue
Long lost level 100 mage
Long lost level 100 mage
Re: The nerfed rogues.
#36I think why the Mage beats you at trees is because the trees have very good piercing resistance and low fore resistAnce
(correct me if im wrOng)
(correct me if im wrOng)