Mages had more useful support skills than personal damage skills, therefore made them support.
Druids had more useful support skills than personal damage skills, therefore made them support.
Rangers had more personal damage skills than useful support skills, therefore made them dps.
Warriors had more tanking skills than useful support skills or damage skills, therefore made them tanks.
Rogues had more personal damage skills than useful support skills, therefore made them dps.
Actually think about it.. Mages were always support, they wern't as good, but we're still support none-the-less. They could be dps, same as they can now, but their dps is simply not as good. As for Lure of Fire.. When power levelling, the Mage casts cloak on the toon being power levelled, then lures 1-2-3 of the mobs.. When bossing, the mage casts cloak on the tank then lures the boss.. How is that not support?
The concept of a Mage has slightly changed (they are now MUCH better support than they were and looking at their current skills, support is the best build for a Mage, whether they like it or not. Maybe the description of the Mage needs to be changed rather than the whole class...