Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Ideas / Suggestions to update

Hello! I thought the new update good. But, I see that my class (warrior) does not receive many updates. Example: Bandage: takes too long to re-use.

Diamond Shop: items purchased in the Otherworld are better than Astral items (warden quest). Difference? Diamond set is much better and cheaper! But how is that possible if it is so hard to get the items to complete Astral quest? (Astral set warrior worth total 600k/800k - Frozen worth same
*ps - i killed like 15/20 deadroot boss since 3 weeks ago * 0 (zero) mind slate)

Tip: To improve the status of quest items (warden/astral/frozen)(all class).
Example: Warrior Item: add 25/50 str on the plate, more hit points, attack better, things genre.

Why not increase the “auto-regen” mp / hp in all classes?
example: a rogue lvl 100 with 100 points vitality .. 10hp regenerates per time (bonus). Now, if he has 300 points in vitality, already starts to regenerate 30 per time. (also in fights)

OtherWorld Bosses - Increasing the spawn of monsters. Both those bosses and their PHs.

New quests for all classes. Like items with new stats. (example: armor for TANK - add vit / DPS - add dmg / Suport - add Energy.

Do again the Double Plat and Double XP event …
****** PS: this would help change the economy of the server. ******

******These are some of my ideas ... I know it is not easy to create or change a few things, but it would be great to see some of these ideas are put into practice******

*it was on right topic on forum. I deleted other. 1/1
"Have a nice Day (ps. not u all - evil heart)"

Chieftain of Aftermath

Re: Ideas / Suggestions to update

Diamond Shop: items purchased in the Otherworld are better than Astral items (warden quest). Difference? Diamond set is much better and cheaper! But how is that possible if it is so hard to get the items to complete Astral quest? (Astral set warrior worth total 600k/800k - Frozen worth same
Um... Because Frozen is the best armor in the game, so you need Warden, and Astral to get it. But the gap between astral and frozen can be filled with Diamond.

Re: Ideas / Suggestions to update

Its debates such as this that lead me to offer the suggestion of a conversion charm. Basically a charm that would allow someone to change between two builds. In a group or boss fight everyone expects a warrior to tank, or a druid to heal, but when not in a group and trying to level up with a dps build everyone calls them stupid, etc.. But they have to level up like everyone else. A mage, rogue, and ranger can dps the whole game and not deal with these issues, but what if they wanted to have a PVE and a PVP build to switch between? I think a conversion charm would solve many of these types of issues.
Stinkypants of Taranis
The fallen star clan, www.thefallenstarclan.blogspot.com

A knight is sworn to valor His heart knows only virtue His blade defends the helpless His might upholds the weak His word speaks only truth His wrath undoes the wicked.

Re: Ideas / Suggestions to update

Its debates such as this that lead me to offer the suggestion of a conversion charm. Basically a charm that would allow someone to change between two builds. In a group or boss fight everyone expects a warrior to tank, or a druid to heal, but when not in a group and trying to level up with a dps build everyone calls them stupid, etc.. But they have to level up like everyone else. A mage, rogue, and ranger can dps the whole game and not deal with these issues, but what if they wanted to have a PVE and a PVP build to switch between? I think a conversion charm would solve many of these types of issues.
But OTM would lose money on this as people would buy these charms and rebirths and alt books would not be bought as much.

Re: Ideas / Suggestions to update

They dont have to lose money. Just sell a conversion charm with a limited number of 'charges per charm. It could be bought from the plat store and have say ten charges per charm. When purchased you set up both a dps and tank build. Kind of make it like a portable, instant 'rebirth/alteration combo charm'. Hey maybe a thats a better 'defector' quest reward?!
World: Crom

Violett - 112
Crotchcricket - 103
QuickBen - 58
Galadriel - 53
Big Jed - 50
Axl- 34

Re: Ideas / Suggestions to update

They dont have to lose money. Just sell a conversion charm with a limited number of 'charges per charm. It could be bought from the plat store and have say ten charges per charm. When purchased you set up both a dps and tank build. Kind of make it like a portable, instant 'rebirth/alteration combo charm'. Hey maybe a thats a better 'defector' quest reward?!
There is a post in feedback and suggestions similar to this and either admin or community commented on it. It has some pretty sharp ideas in it , y'all should check it out.
Clan Avalon


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