Celtic Heroes

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Re: Spear support ranger!

I LOVE THIS POST! lol , someone else smells what the rock is cookin! I just hit lvl 63 and feel like a powerhouse with my spear ranger. I occaisionally get the hater wispering me saying something along the lines of " hey noob, go get yourself a bow", well I'll see what level of mob they are killing and then In front of them I'll kill one thats two or three levels higher and wisp them back "hey noob, go get yourself a spear", lol (at least I think that is funny). Its definitely a specialized build, everything you do has to rotate on the fact that you use a spear, but it works. We are not range fighters, but melee fighters, its a different mind set. Its a different skill set, and a different set of gear....but we are still rangers. I believe we are the reason that entangle and spikes came out, because they really work well with spear rangers. I'm really glad that someone else has given it a try and loves it as much as I do. Gratz bro
Heck ya! Ya they are legit. I honestly believe they have more potential than bow rangers, the same way h2h mages have more potential than traditional ones. Gotta find that diamond in the rough :).
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Spear support ranger!

Well, I'm now lvl 65 and the spear/shield combo just keeps getting better and better. I keep getting folks wondering how I'm soloing mobs 10-12 levels higher than me when it is taking them a group to do the same thing.
Stinkypants of Taranis
The fallen star clan, www.thefallenstarclan.blogspot.com

A knight is sworn to valor His heart knows only virtue His blade defends the helpless His might upholds the weak His word speaks only truth His wrath undoes the wicked.

Re: Spear support ranger!

There is no point to spear once you reach level 60 and can buy knucks.

2 reasons:

1. rapid
2. shot

Mdi you don't know what your talking about.... I bet you have not even tried knuckle blades yet.... and if I'm not mistaken rapid shot does work with them.
Ranger: Derper 116+
Druid: .. NightHawkHeal 35+ (Work in progress)

Re: Spear support ranger!

Currently playing lvl 68 support/dps ranger

Helm-Junk(Greater ES as soon as lvl 80 hits)

Mainhand: Quartz Pike
Offhand: Golden Venom Dagger

Heroic Ammy Of Rejuv
Camo Charm
7 Crushing Bracelet
4 Piercing Bracelet

Stats: 150+ str,100 dex, 5 focus, 75 vit
Skills:8+/20 rapid shot, 20/20 lightheal,20/20 spikes,20/20 entangle
----------Quit ios----------
The world will keep spinning with or without humans so we might as well play CH

Re: Spear support ranger!

Running this spear build as well.
I have full greater solstice, heroic gloves/boots/ammy and bodkin(rejuv). I could solo shield master captains at 52 and can solo unicorns and druids now. I mainly level on wisps atm.

Bolas 18/17
Light Heal 17/17
Rapid Shot 17/17

Waiting to get defensive spikes.

edit: at level 60 I can solo red eyes.

(and yes i did edit the pic to hide the amount of gold i have)
Nightwing beta
IPhone 3GS
Wifi Connection

Re: Spear support ranger!

I LOVE THIS POST! lol , someone else smells what the rock is cookin! I just hit lvl 63 and feel like a powerhouse with my spear ranger. I occaisionally get the hater wispering me saying something along the lines of " hey noob, go get yourself a bow", well I'll see what level of mob they are killing and then In front of them I'll kill one thats two or three levels higher and wisp them back "hey noob, go get yourself a spear", lol (at least I think that is funny). Its definitely a specialized build, everything you do has to rotate on the fact that you use a spear, but it works. We are not range fighters, but melee fighters, its a different mind set. Its a different skill set, and a different set of gear....but we are still rangers. I believe we are the reason that entangle and spikes came out, because they really work well with spear rangers. I'm really glad that someone else has given it a try and loves it as much as I do. Gratz bro
Heck ya! Ya they are legit. I honestly believe they have more potential than bow rangers, the same way h2h mages have more potential than traditional ones. Gotta find that diamond in the rough :).
i can use both, look at my post on the ranger forum titled awsome ranger stats

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