Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Someone said earlier in this thread "One does not simply join Avalon". This is true, you have to submit an online application, have a IRL character assessment, background investigation, and sign a sworn affidavit to defend and destroy all Avalon opposition on forums.
DR Derp of Donn

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Someone said earlier in this thread "One does not simply join Avalon". This is true, you have to submit an online application, have a IRL character assessment, background investigation, and sign a sworn affidavit to defend and destroy all Avalon opposition on forums.

damn right
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

and destroy all Avalon opposition on forums.
I work out.
Awen1: 220, Ranger
BladeZ: 220, Rogue
Dmg: 200, Mage
Server: Morrigan

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

All this hate, i guess someone applied to Avalon before and got unanimously rejected. :( :( :(

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

All this hate, i guess someone applied to Avalon before and got unanimously rejected. :( :( :(
Im not hating on anybody. You will notice the people doing most of the hating are in avalon.
Nighthawk - Lvl 130 ranger
no longer playing. Miss you guys.

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

A note on Avalon ... Songz of Avalon a 150 lvl player is a poor sport
He picks on my low lvls giving Avalon a bad name I hope this will stop I'm trying to talk to avalons chieftain but have not had the chance anyone elts having this issue

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?


anyone elts having this issue

Everyone who has ever been in the arena with songz .

Listen it's the arena , everyone is fair game on the only open pvp area in the game.

there should be a sign that says "enter at your own risk"

There should be another sign that says "enter and die , if Songz is here"
Clan Avalon


Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

yeah the arena is fair game. All bets are off. normal rules dont apply. I personally dont kill people while they are working on quest. I wait till they're done, then i kill em. but thats just me. I have no problem with the people who kill during the quest. totally up to them.
Nighthawk - Lvl 130 ranger
no longer playing. Miss you guys.

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

A note on Avalon ... Songz of Avalon a 150 lvl player is a poor sport
He picks on my low lvls giving Avalon a bad name I hope this will stop I'm trying to talk to avalons chieftain but have not had the chance anyone elts having this issue
I have been on vacation so I'm out of sorts. Sorry but the Arena is a free for all place. There are no rules that says high levels can't kill low levels. Personally I would only attack a lower level if they attack first. But that's me. Songz like to kill anything that moves in the Arena, so if you see him there you should know what to expect. I recommend make it your objective to level up and kill him rather than asking for a pass in the forums.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

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